Enrollment and Tuition

By registering, you are taking personal responsibility to pay tuition and/or fees. All students - regardless of the type of courses being taken - may be charged fees. The College may block registration and/or withhold services until all outstanding fines and debts are resolved; including: unpaid tuition, library fines, parking fines, etc. Student accounts should be cleared at least 24 hours prior to registration. Outstanding debts are eventually referred to a collections agency; you will be responsible for collection fees, court fees, and attorney fees. Please visit Important Dates and Deadlines for tuition deadlines. 

Payment Options

Pay online with a credit card in ctcLink

  • Discover card or debit cards (unless they can run as credit cards) are not accepted
  • You must have a "V" code

Pay by phone with a credit card or debit card

Call the Cashiers Office at 425-388-9225.

Send a check with a note of your ctcLink ID number and Name

Mail your check to:
Everett Community College
Attn: Cashiers MS-12
2000 Tower Street
Everett, WA 98201

Allow extra time for the mail, and send an email to cashier@everettcc.edu, letting them know you have sent your payment

Tuition Payment Plan

The payment plan gives you more time and flexibility to pay your tuition and fees to EvCC by splitting the amount owed into three payments, plus a one-time $10 processing fee. To see deadlines and to sign up, read the tuition payment plan directions.

Tuition Payment Warnings

  • Payment deadlines vary - know the important dates
  • Non-attendance does not constitute a reason to avoid payment
  • The College reserves the right to cancel registration for unpaid students
  • Non-payment may result in a direct bill to the student
  • Work closely with your employer
  • Stay connected with Financial Aid
  • Outstanding debt is referred to a collection agency
  • Registration may be blocked until payment is made

Tuition Holds

To postpone payment pending receipt of financial aid, scholarship, VA or other funds you must:

Financial Aid: Students who are dependent on financial aid to pay for their tuition may be placed on a tuition hold from the Financial Aid Office prior to the tuition payment deadline each quarter. Holds are typically not given if a student does not meet the priority filing deadline for each quarter and other eligibility requirements. For more details, please call the Financial Aid Office.

VA and other holds: Work with the campus department in charge of your funding to go through the appropriate process for a tuition hold.

Third Party Tuition Payment

If your tuition is contingent upon an employer or agency to pay your tuition bill at EvCC, please read this carefully.

With few exceptions, we must receive a payment voucher from your employer or agency by the payment deadline. You are responsible for submitting that voucher to the Cashiers Office. Vouchers must be submitted immediately after registration. Generally, this means that you must secure your eligibility at least a few weeks in advance of registration so that the voucher can be generated in time.

Sponsored (Agency or Employer) Funding & Special Note for Business or Agency Sponsors

Examples: L&I (Labor & Industries), Boeing, GET (Guaranteed Education Tuition fund, which parents pre-pay into), Trade Act, DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation), military direct pay (not benefits).

  • The student must provide written payment authorization (voucher) to EvCC Accounts Receivable, EVCCAR@everettcc.edu as soon as convenient and prior to the payment deadline or the student may be dropped from their course(s) for non-payment. Once a student is registered for a given academic quarter, tuition/fees for their course(s) will appear in their ctcLink student account until a payment voucher is received.
  • It is most expedient if an employer/sponsor pays this invoice in a student’s online account directly by the payment deadline, for example with a credit card, which will also create a receipt.
  • If an employer/sponsor needs to be invoiced prior to payment, that request must be submitted to EvCC Accounts Receivable, EVCCAR@everettcc.edu when they submit the written payment authorization. This will move the invoice from the student’s account to the employer/sponsor’s account.
  • If a multiple-quarter authorization is on file, students still need to contact the Accounts Receivable, EVCCAR@everettcc.edu after registering each quarter, in order for their tuition and fees to be processed correctly.
  • EvCC views the employer/sponsor authorization as a promise to pay, regardless of a student’s performance. Students who do not meet their employers’/sponsors’ attendance/completion/grade requirements may be responsible for their own tuition and/or fees. Non-participation in a course does not necessarily drop a student—students must actively drop a course if they do not intend to take or continue in that course. Students may consider completing a Student Release of Information form in order for EvCC to discuss their academic progress with their employer/sponsor.
  • In some cases, employers/sponsors will choose to reimburse costs to a student, in which case the student should plan to provide a copy of their transcript/grades to the sponsor.
  • Textbooks and other course supplies are not always included in course tuition and fees. Employers/sponsors who wish to cover these expenses should consult the student, who will receive details on whether or not these are required and if they are available through the Follett Bookstore, a separate entity from the college.
  • For training provided by EvCC’s Corporate & Continuing Education Center (CCEC) PDF icon, sponsors must make contractual payment arrangements with the staff of those programs. Alternate funding is also applicable for CCEC through a purchase order voucher system. Additionally, in some cases, employers are prepared to reimburse tuition costs to employees who successfully complete classes. This requires that the student pay his/her own tuition, and submit a grade report (transcript) to the employer.
  • For registrations made as part of a state apprenticeship program (e.g. WSFF JATC, AJAC, SnoCo PUD) group registrations and invoicing will be handled by the Professional and Technical Education Division.

Trade Act Students

You must see the Workforce Funding Office located in the Parks Student Union, Room 307 with you initial application, in order to complete an Independent Training Plan (CT-3 Form), cost estimate, etc. - a copy of which is sent to our Sponsored Student Account representative. Immediately after registration you must go to the Cashiers Office and identify yourself as a Trade Act student so that your student account is properly credited. Your Trade Act Counselor must forward final payment authorization to the Sponsored Student Account representative by the tuition payment deadline. Please stay in contact with your Trade Act Counselor and the Sponsored Student Account representative to assure that your account is paid. If the Trade Act fails to cover your tuition, you are responsible for payment. In most cases, this process needs to be repeated with the Cashiers Office each quarter in order to assure that your payment status is accurate. When in doubt about payment status, contact the Sponsored Student Account representative. For more information,please go to Workforce Funding 

Financial Aid, Veterans' and Scholarship students

If you met the quarterly deadline and other financial aid requirements based on your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and show Satisfactory Academic history, you will be notified via email that you have been placed on a tuition hold.  This will allow you to stay enrolled in your classes without payment as your financial aid is processed. If you become ineligible for financial aid, you are responsible to pay your tuition and fees by standard deadlines.


If you wish to pay the tuition and fees for your son or daughter, you must know their ctcLink ID and password, and you must bring a copy of their class schedule (with amount owing) in order to conduct a transaction with the Cashiers Office.


Refund deadlines vary, depending on the type of class, and the date of the drop or withdrawal. If you drop a class through the online system, double-check your status after a few minutes to assure that the transaction was accepted.

All students are subject to the following: A refund is considered only when a student officially drops or withdraws from a class or from the College. The date of such action is noted if it is done via the online web registration system, or in person in Parks Student Union, Room 201 or via email with registration@everettcc.edu or with Continuing Education. All drop transactions must be completed by end of deadline day. A refund, if due, is mailed to the student's address on file or credited back to the credit card or agency. Refunds can take up to 30 days. Refunds for under $10 will only be processed with a written request from the student.

Refunds for students who are receiving financial aid may also be calculated in accordance with state/federal rules. These formulas are published in the Financial Aid procedures manual. Financial Aid students should note that early departure could trigger a request for repayment of their aid funds.

Please Note: Failure to attend does not constitute a reason for a refund. An official withdrawal must occur prior to a refund deadline to be eligible for a refund. To qualify for a refund, students must formally drop classes through the Enrollment Services Office by the specified deadline. See the class schedule or calendar for deadlines for each quarter.

For State-Support Classes, the refund deadlines are stated in the class schedule. Usually, but not always, classes have a 100% refund during the first 5 days of the quarter, and a 50% refund until the 20th calendar day of the quarter. Courses that have unusual start and end dates will have different deadlines.

For Self-Support Classes, refund deadlines vary, and are stated in the class description.

  • Don't assume Enrollment Services will drop you.
  • Don't assume your instructor will drop you
  • Don't assume Financial Aid will drop you.
  • Don't assume an advisor will drop you.

Refund Appeals

An appeal for a refund policy exception must be made in writing to Enrollment Services with the quarter for which the refund is desired; refunds are only considered for extreme medical emergency or a call to active duty military service.

Classes by State Funding Support

  • State-Support Classes: Most of EvCC's classes are "state-supported" and charge according to the state-regulated tuition rates; lab fees or other specific fees may be charged in addition to tuition. Typically, classes that are state-supported do not specify the tuition cost in the class listing.
  • Self-Support Classes: Do not utilize state funding to cover their instructional costs. Therefore, the state tuition schedule does not apply. The class schedule will identify self-support courses and their costs.

Please Note: Both State Supported and Self Supported classes have Instructors. The difference is how the class is funded. Students who take a mixture of state-supported and self-support classes should carefully evaluate their total tuition and fees. For example, a resident student taking 12 credits in state-supported classes and 5 credits in a self-support class may be charged $1208.74 plus $550 for the self-support class. Alternatively, a student taking 17 credits in self-support classes may be charged $1,870.