
Elizabeth Person Artwork

Climate Action Plan Goal

Cross curriculum inclusion of Sustainability by 2030.

Sustainability-focused courses at EvCC

ENVS& 100 Survey of Environmental Science: Sustaining Our Earth
With Jeff Fennel

A look at biological and ecological principles and how they pertain to current issues of population growth and control, diminished food supply, water, air and noise pollution, and similar environmental issues. Learn about how humans affect the environment, how the environment affects humans and what it means to live sustainably. 

ENVS& 101 Introduction to Environmental Science: with Lab 
With Joan Brindle

Effects of human population growth on changing ecosystems, energy flow, biological diversity, and sustainability of living resources. Class focuses on human-centered behavior vs ecocentric lifestyle choices. 

NAT S 103 Sustainability and Systems
With Spring Petta

An introduction to systems thinking with an emphasis on understanding the intersection between natural and human systems. Student analysis will focus on how to make human systems more sustainable. Simple models such as population growth and more advanced case studies will be explored with concepts such as connection circles, causal loop diagrams, reinforcing (positive feedback) loops and balancing (negative feedback) loops. Exploration of the effects of time delays upon systems and identification of leverage points for sustainability will occur.

BOT 115D Ethnobotany Plants and People 
With Samuel Wershow

Botanical and cultural aspects of interactions between plants and people from around the world. Sustainability is a driving force throughout this course and delves into many topics such as forestry, food systems, and human-environment relationships.

GS 101D Introduction to Global Studies 
With Elke Dinter and Carson Tavenner

Introduction to contemporary global issues, drawing on the integrated knowledge and methodologies of multiple disciplines. Topics include population growth, food and water insecurities, environmental impacts, patterns of consumption, the fate of indigenous peoples, global health, and civic activism. Writing assignments represent a significant component of coursework.

BIOL 107 Life Science for Everybody

Hands-on exploration of how living things interact with each other and their environment to obtain energy and building blocks for growth. For non-science majors. Highly recommended for elementary education majors.

ANTH& 206D - Cultural Anthropology 
With Gregory Prang

Introduction to the study of culture and society using a cross-cultural perspective to gain better understanding of family life, kinship, economic, political, and religious systems in various societies around the world. Includes training in fundamentals of social and cultural anthropology. Writing assignments, which represent more than 50% of the coursework, are designed in compliance with the expectations for a W-designated course. In Prang's course he teaches a unit which features his work in Amazonian ornamental fisheries as well as a unit on foodways. 

ANTH 116D - Cultures in Context 
With Cynthia Clarke

General study of the field of cultural anthropology, which studies humanity from a cross-cultural perspective and the field of linguistic anthropology which examines human verbal and non-verbal communication. Writing assignments represent a significant component of coursework. 

ENGL&102 - Composition II The Research Essay
With Cobi Seslar

Summer quarter theme:Land Use, Natural Resource Managment, and Sustainability. In this summer eight week course, we go on three field trips for the Field Research portion of the course. Students pick a site we visit and write a research essay on how to improve the sustainability of this site and the industry it is involved with (Recreation, Forestry, Land Management, Resource Preservation). We volunteer for the Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, Friends of Haybrook Ridge, WA State Fish Hatcheries, and the Town of Index. We spend time: in state & county parks, wilderness areas, riverside, and tour a rock climbing destination. Students have the opportunity to go white water rafting, hiking, and connect with nature by being in the outdoor classroom. Email for instructor permission to enroll in this course, you must commit to all three field trips to enroll. Field trips occur on three Tuesdays in July from 9am - 9 pm.

ENGL&102 Sec MO (East County campus) Spring 2020
A Sustainable Society through Science and Innovation. Through Guest Speakers and community outreach, students investigate infrastructure
and industry, students research current practices and historical or modern innovations.  In a multi-chapter essay, students offer the most sustainable solutions for our modern and changing world.

ENG&102 Occasional F-W-S Quarters 
With Cobi Seslar

Guest speakers from a variety of industries, tribes, university scientists, non-profit organizations, and government agencies come speak to the students about what their focus is in regards to resource usage and management, preservation, and sustainability programs. The speakers talk about the other industries and groups they collaborate with to balance their needs and responsibilities. Students choose a topic to research further and write an essay on Sustainable Relationships. 

ENGL& 101 - Composition I 
With Cobi Seslar

Students progress through the academic writing process choosing their topics to write about. A culminating Solution Argument Essay is concerned with global environmental issues and the associated "marginalized communities".

NUTR 180 Sustainable Food Systems: What to Eat and Why It Matters
With Laura Wild & Nancy Vandenberg 

Study of the current food system in the U.S. and its relationship to the environment, the economy and health, particularly the nutritional health of citizens. Specific recommendations to help individuals and institutions promote and implement sustainable practices. Service learning component and weekly food preparation laboratory sessions for applied learning of course content. Exploration of environmental impact of food choices including nutrient value of foods and food safety. Two field trips.

  • Learn about the impact of food choices on the environment and your health. 
  • Weekly cooking labs using produce from the garden
  • Field trips to local farms and/or sustainable businesses 

Attention Faculty! 

Do you have a sustainability-focused class that isn't listed here? Get your class added to this list by emailing