Sustainability Events

EvCC Styrofoam Recycling Event

EvCC Students for Enviromental Action (SEA) Club and Sustainability Department invites you to be an environmental hero! Bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled--for FREE! If you are bringing styrofoam, please consider bringing a donation for the Marysville Food Bank of non-perishable food or monetary donations. We hope to collect as much styrofoam as possible; help us spread the word to your family, neighbors, and friends.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Parking Lot K (old Providence side) 10am-2pm

Christmas Tree Recycling

The Everett Community College Grounds team is happy to announce the return of the Christmas tree recycling program. From December 25th until January 10th, natural Christmas trees can be dropped off to be turned into wood chips and used on campus. Drop-off information and tree requirements can be found below.

Tree Requirements
To ensure our crews' safety and the health of our campus garden beds, all trees must meet the following requirements.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrations 2025

Community Food & Shoe Drive 

"If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you WIN or FAIL. Be the best of whatever you are” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

EvCC Styrofoam Recycling Event

EvCC Students for Enviromental Action (SEA) Club and Sustainability Department invites you to be an environmental hero! Bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled--for FREE! If you are bringing styrofoam, please consider bringing a donation for the Marysville Food Bank of non-perishable food or monetary donations. We hope to collect as much styrofoam as possible; help us spread the word to your family, neighbors, and friends.

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024
Parking Lot F 10am-2pm

Plant Swap Event

Holy Horticultural Hyperbole, Plantman! The Plant Swap Returns April 25, 10-2.

You have a thing for free stuff, I hear. Luckily, you can grab up a load of plant stuff and all it will cost you is a smile!  It’s Plant Swap time, where we bring in great green gobs of growth to the Whitehorse Crit Space and you come and take it off our hands. All you need to do is have something to put your treasures in as you cart them away.

[CANCELLED] Turning Food Waste into Chicken Chow: Structuring a Business to Address a Challenging Environmental Problem

IMPORTANT: This event has been cancelled, updated 10/30

Ross, Mazur, Technical Business Analyst with Mill Industries in Mukilteo, will be talking about how his company has turned consumer food waste into chicken feed. It's a win for the environment and win for chickens!

The Students for Environmental Action Club actively works to promote environmental awareness and take action to address climate change.

Advisor: Laura Wild -

Electronics Recycling Event

3R Technology is providing FREE drive up and drop electronics recycling on campus in Lot F (next to the large recycle dumpster) on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 from 10am to 2pm.

View the accepted electronics list.

Looking to Recycle Styrofoam at the same time too? Find out more about SEA Club's Styrofoam Recycling Event!

Styrofoam Recycling Event

 Styrofoam Recycling Event: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, September 20th

Students for Enviromental Action (SEA) Club invites you to be an environmental hero! Bring clean styrofoam, packing peanuts in bags or boxes, bubble wrap and plastic film to be recycled--for FREE! See a list of acceptable items.

Gardening with Ciscoe: 12pm-1pm April 19th

Celebrity gardening expert Ciscoe Morris will share tips and answer questions about sustainable gardening. Morris gives advice on his “Gardening with Ciscoe” segments on KING 5 TV. “Ask Ciscoe” is a top selling garden book nationwide, and his most recent book "Oh, La La!" was released in 2020. 

Bird-Friendly Communities: 1-2 p.m. April 18

Brian Zinke, wildlife biologist and executive director of the Pilchuck Audubon Society, talks about turning our communities into bird-friendly communities that can help tackle climate change. 
