Green Dot at EvCC

Green Dot image with text. Through your words, actions, and choices in any given moment, you can help end violence one green dot at a time. What's your green dot?

What is Green Dot?

Green Dot is a bystander intervention training designed to help participants develop skills in how to intervene when witnessing inappropriate and harmful behavior (for example: sexual harassment, discrimination, bias, etc.). Green Dots are the individual actions we take to directly prevent someone from being harmed, support them after something has happened, or show others that this topic matters to us and our community.

Training Opportunities

Are you interested in learning more about your options for intervening, or figuring out what barriers you may need to overcome to help you take action? Or maybe you just want to help create a community culture that makes clear: harmful behaviors will not be tolerated here. Join a Green Dot bystander intervention training!

Please complete the linked registration form to join a training that matches your participant type, as an employee or student. Registration is not required, but highly encouraged to help the presenters prepare.

Employee Green Dot Training Registration Form

  • Online on Friday, January 10th 10-11:30am (Complete the Employee Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • In Person on Tuesday, February 11th 3-4:30pm in Jackson Center, Room 106
  • Online on Thursday, March 6th 1-2:30pm (Complete the Employee Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • Online on Friday, April 11th 10-11:30am (Complete the Employee Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • In Person on Tuesday, April 29th 3-4:30pm in Jackson Center, Room 106
  • Online on Thursday, May 15th 6-7:30pm (Complete the Employee Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)

Student Green Dot Training Registration Form

  • Online on Friday, January 24th 12:30-2:30pm (Complete the Student Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • In Person on Thursday, February 13th 2-4pm in GWH 152
  • Online on Tuesday, March 4th 6-8pm (Complete the Student Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • Online on Friday, April 25th 12:30-2:30pm (Complete the Student Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)
  • In Person on Thursday, May 8th 2-4pm in Jackson Center, Room 106
  • Online on Wednesday, May 28th 6-8pm (Complete the Student Training Registration Form to get the Zoom link.)

If you have any questions about the training or need accommodations to participate fully, please email as soon as possible, and preferably at least 1 week in advance.

Proactive Green Dots

We can do simple things to show our community that we support intervening in situations that can cause harm to others, which are called proactive Green Dots. A few examples include adding a line about Green Dot to your email signature, wearing a Green Dot pin, or posting about a bystander intervention story on your social media. Check out some proactive Green Dot activities available to you on this Proactive Green Dots document.

Green Dot Team Members at EvCC

The following individuals have received their certificate to facilitate college Green Dot training:

  • Tina Bui, Transitional Studies Pathway Coach
  • Chris Carson, Director of Campus Safety and Security
  • Sindie Howland, Associate Director for Change Management Process Improvement
  • Flor Reyes, Diversity and Equity Center
  • Jennifer Rhodes, Dean of Student Development
  • Susanne Weatherly, Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs

Contact Information

Contact our team if you would like to request a training for your student club, classroom, department, or group of at least 10 people, or if you have any questions about Green Dot. The best way to reach out to our Green Dot team is through our email address:

Person spreading their green dots with the quote, "Let your Green Dots go"