Data Notes

Data Notes, written by JBL Associates, is a bimonthly newsletter that presents data from Achieving the Dream's National Database. Each issue focuses on a topic related to student outcomes at the Achieving the Dream colleges.

Data Notes: Jan/Feb 2013 Final Issue Acrobat PDF Reader Icon 
Institutional Attributes and Student Outcomes

Data Notes: May/June 2012 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Student Parents and Academic Outcomes

Data Notes: March/April 2012 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Delayed Enrollment: Is It a Risk?

Data Notes: Jan/Feb 2012 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Finding Opportunities to Nudge Student Groups Over the Finish Line: Examining Students’ Five-Year Progress

Data Notes: Nov/Dec 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Start with Success in Sight: Early Predictors of Student Success

Data Notes: Sept/Oct 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
What is in a Name? Are they Really Credential-Seeking Students?

Data Notes: July/Aug 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Outcomes of Pell Grant Recipient

Data Notes: May/June 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Gateway Coursework: Time to Completion

Data Notes: March/April 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Characteristics of Credential Completers

Data Notes: Jan/Feb 2011 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Developmental Education: Time to Completion

Data Notes: Nov/Dec 2010 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Student Outcomes by State

Data Notes: Sept/Oct 2010 Acrobat PDF Reader Icon
Outcomes of First-Year Persisting Students