Staff Senate

staff senate logo

The Staff Senate is part of EvCC's Shared Governance, a campus-wide partnership to promote equity, transparency, communication, participation and collaboration within the EvCC community.


The Staff Senate meetings are open to all eligible staff employees.

Am I Eligible?

The Staff Senate Bylaws define eligible staff in Article III, Section 1
Membership of the Classified and Exempt Senate is composed of eligible employees. Its membership includes representatives from each employment category as set forth in the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FFLSA) and as follows:

  • Classified
  • Exempt represented
  • Exempt non-represented, non-supervisory
  • Supervisory exempt, subordinate of a Dean title

Your membership in the Staff Senate is automatic and we appreciate any participation that you can or want to contribute! We understand that not everyone is available to make it to the meetings, so please consider participating through polls, feedback surveys, subcommittees and/or workgroups so that staff voices are being heard and represented across campus!

Special Note For Classified and Exempt Represented: While participation in Union activities must be performed during non-working hours, participation in the Staff Senate is part of EvCC’s Shared Governance and should be done during scheduled working hours.

Staff Senate Subcommittees

Standing Committees

  • Staff Senate Bylaws (Chair: Rachel Bailey-Pentz)
  • Classified Subcommittee (Chair: Open)
  • Exempt Subcommittee (Chair: Open)

Current Work Group/Ad Hoc Subcommittees

  • Information Repository Subcommittee (Chair: Papken O’Ferrell)

Staff Senate Leadership

EvCC Classified and Exempt Senate Bylaws (PDF)

Staff Senate Meetings

Upcoming Meeting Information



Have more questions about EvCC's Staff Senate? Email us at!