EvCC Campus Council

As an advisory board, the Campus Council is the forum in which proposed broad-based College policy and procedural changes are discussed collegially before they are acted on or implemented by the College President. Campus Council will recommend proposals be approved for advancement, approved (final), denied, or send proposals back to the originating committee for more work. 

Campus Council Bylaws

Campus Council Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

Campus Council meetings are generally held 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. on the 4th Monday of each month.

Submit an agenda topic

Campus Council Membership


Heather Mayer Chair, Equity and Social Justice Committee
Lynn Deeken Chair, Guided Pathways Committee
Katie Jensen Chair, Instructional Council
Shelby Burke (voting member as Chair) Chair, Budget Advisory Group
Vacant Chair, Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
Sharon Moore Chair, Assessment Committee
Ed Alexander Chair, Technology Advisory Group
Heather Hill Chair, Student Services Leadership Council
TBD Chair, College Services Committee
Anne Brackett, Lily Fox Co-Representatives, Faculty Senate
Azrael Howell, Rachel Bailey-Pentz Co-Representatives, Staff Senate
Hannah Kramer Representative, Student Senate & ASB
Dr. Chemene Crawford President
Dr. Cathy Leaker Vice President of Instruction
Brandon Dyer Vice President of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success
Vacant Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Shelby Burke Vice President of Finance
TBD Dean-at-large

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