EvCC Shared Governance Timeline

2020: Design & Define


January Launch of EvCC Shared Governance Task Force
March EvCC Shared Governance Task Force works to define Shared Governance at EvCC and establish a Statement of Purpose
November EvCC Shared Governance Task Force reviews and assesses Shared Governance models across SBCTC schools

2021: Refine



EvCC Shared Governance Task Force Two proposed EvCC Governance Models for with EvCC community; collect feedback from community.

Recommendation of one model to the President for adoption by EvCC

July President works with senates, bargaining units and EvCC Shared Governance Task Force to appoint Transitional Campus Council
December In consulation with and EvCC Transitional Campus Council all EvCC standing committees begin drafting bylaws that outline the scope and charge of their work, as well as provisions for election or appointment to serve

2022: Transition & Implementation



EvCC Transitional Campus Council reviews and approves Campus Council bylaws and submits them to the President and Board of Trustees for final approval.

The work of EvCC's Transitional Campus Council concludes.

September Formal launch of Shaerd Governance and Campus Council at EvCC