Procedures in the Event of Hate/Bias Incident

Hate Crime – Definition: a hate crime is a criminal act committed against a person(s) motivated by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation.

  1. Call Campus Safety at 9998 and Emergency Dispatch at 911.
  2. Victim(s) and/or witness(es) be prepared to report:
    • Nature of the crime
    • Location of the crime
    • In known, names of person(s) or description of person(s) involved
  3. Confidential counseling is available in the Counseling Advising & Career Center and the Diversity & Equity Center.

Bias Incident – Definition: a bias incident is any act, including conduct, speech, or expression to which a biased motive is a clear contributing factor, against a race, religion, disability, ethnicity/national origin, gender or sexual orientation resulting or intending to result in intimidation, harassment, fear, personal assault and/or other violence.

  1. Report any bias incident and/or activity to any of the following: Campus Security (9998), your instructor, your supervisor, the Vice President for Human Resources (ext. 9232), the Vice President for Student Services (9589), the Vice President for Instruction (9520), the Diversity & Equity Center, the Counseling Advising & Career Center, or the Center for Disability Services.
  2. Be prepared to report:
    • Nature of the incident/activity
    • Location of the incident/activity
    • In applicable, names of person(s) or description of person(s) involved
  3. Confidential counseling is available in the Counseling Advising & Career Center and the Diversity & Equity Center.