International Student Application Process

Apply Now - No Application Deadline!

Required Documents:

  1. Completed International Student Application. (This form must be typed).
  2. Official transcript(s) of courses and grades from high school and from college or university attended.
  3. $40 non-refundable application fee. (This may be paid via Credit Card.)
  4. Copy of passport photo page.
    • All students must be at least 18 years old by the time of initial enrollment.
  5. Bank statement (less than 6 months old) with **$27,244 or more. 
  6. For Transferring students, please also include:

Optional Documents:

**This number is for most majors. However, for Aviation, AvionicsCosmetology and Welding majors, cost and application requirements and processes may vary.

Important Notes:

No Application Deadlines

  • Please see the Important Dates page for information of the start dates of the future quarters.

Application Process 

  • All applications will be reviewed within 48 hours. If the application is incomplete, we will contact you within that time, too.
  • All application documents must be in English. We accept faxed and scanned official documents, but we will need the original document if further verification is needed.
  • All documents submitted for admission become the property of EvCC and will not be returned.
  • Admitted students will be sent a letter of admission, an I-20, and more information about arrival, homestay and orientation. It is recommended that students check with their local embassy to check visa appointment application process: Obtaining a Visa.

Paying for Fees

  • Application fee and courier service fee** may be paid via US check, money order, or by filling out Credit Card form. 
    **Applicants who are not referred by our partners will be charged a non-refundable courier service fee for mailing admission packets (if shipping is required). Fees differ by country. You will be informed of fees at time of application.

Everett Community College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students.