Equal Opportunity and Title IX Policies and Procedures

In recognition of its obligation to monitor, investigate, resolve, and implement corrective measures to stop, remediate and prevent discrimination, the College has established the following policies and procedures:

Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs Role and Responsibilities

The Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs (referred to as "the Director" on this page) serves as the designated Title IX Coordinator and oversees compliance with all aspects of nondiscrimination, including sex/gender harassment, protected class discrimination, and sexual misconduct, at the College. Any individual who has experienced, witnessed, or has awareness of sexual violence or discrimination based on a protected class are encouraged to report the information to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs.

Contact Information

Name: Susanne Weatherly
Title: Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs
Office: Olympus Hall, Room 118 (inside Human Resources)
Phone: 425-388-9271
Email Addresses:

  • Equal Opportunity Director: EqualOpportunity@everettcc.edu - for concerns of protected class discrimination (not including sex or disability) based on race, color, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, language, culture, age, marital status, economic status, military or veteran status, spirituality or religion, and genetic information.
  • ADA Coordinator: ADACoordinator@everettcc.edu - for concerns of discrimination based on disability, accommodations, use of a service animal, and accessibility needs.
  • Title IX Coordinator: TitleIXCoordinator@everettcc.edu - for concerns of discrimination based on sex, including sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

The Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs is available to provide guidance about the College's nondiscrimination policies and procedures, discuss reporting options with an impacted person, provide supportive measures, and connect individuals with support resources on campus and in the community.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Everett Community College will seek to protect the privacy of all the parties involved to the fullest extent possible, consistent with the legal obligation to investigate, take appropriate remedial and/or disciplinary action, and comply with federal and state law, as well as Everett Community College policies and procedures. Everett Community College cannot guarantee complete confidentiality.

Employee Reporting Responsibilities

All employees of the College are designated as responsible employees (excluding confidential counselors when in their counseling role) required to make reports to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs when they receive information that falls under the nondiscrimination policy definitions. Examples of disclosures that would require a report to be made include:

  • Protected class discrimination or harassment (not based on sex/gender) - submit a Discrimination/Bias Incident report.
  • Sex/gender discrimination or harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking - submit a Title IX report.

Employees should enter a report through the College's online incident reporting system, or by contacting the Director using one of the methods listed above.

Mandatory Reporting of Child or Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect

Additionally, ALL employees, including student and confidential employees, are required to report child or vulnerable adult abuse at the first opportunity and never later than 48 hours after the employee has reasonable cause to believe that a child or vulnerable adult has suffered abuse or neglect. Reports of child or vulnerable adult abuse and neglect should be made through either Washington State's 24-hour hotline at 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276), through Child Protective Services (CPS) website, or the Adult Protective Services Reporting Page. Employees are also required to provide a summary of reported information to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs or the Vice President of Human Resources and Compliance by phone, email, in-person or by using the mandatory child abuse reporting form Linked Document Icon after a report is made.

Confidential Employees

When information regarding incidents of potential discrimination, including sexual misconduct, is disclosed during a student's confidential counseling session with a campus counselor, the counselor is only required to provide them with the following:

  • Contact information for the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs
  • Information about how to make a complaint of discrimination at the college
  • Let them know the Director may be able to offer and coordinate supportive measures, as well as initiate an informal resolution process or an investigation under the college's grievance procedures.

Pregnancy Supports

Everett Community College is committed to providing an equal opportunity for employees and students to access and participate in college programs and activities when they experience pregnancy or related conditions. Employees can contact their Human Resources Director for reasonable accommodation needs related to pregnancy.

When a student informs any employee of the college that they are pregnant, they should be provided with the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Program's contact information. Students can consult with the Director to identify reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures as necessary to ensure their equal access at the college. Reasonable modifications cannot fundamentally alter the nature of an educational program or activity.

EvCC has several locations at the college that have been designated as lactation spaces for individuals in need. Those spaces are clean, not a bathroom, safe and functional, including being free from view and intrusion. Visit the EvCC Lactation Rooms webpage for more information about accessing campus lactation spaces.

Retaliation Prohibited

Retaliation by, for, or against any grievance process participant (reporting party, complainant, respondent, or witness) is expressly prohibited. Retaliation is defined as intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination against any person by the College, a student, an employee, or other person authorized by the College to provide aid, benefit, or service under the College's education program or activity, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by College Policies and Grievance Procedures prohibiting discrimination, or because the person has reported information, made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated, or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, disciplinary proceeding, or hearing, including in an informal resolution process. Any person who thinks they have been retaliated against due to engaging in a protected activity should contact the Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Programs immediately.