Energy Usage Statistics

Campus Growth 2013 2018
The EvCC Campus has added new buildings since 2013.
Total increase = 27% Growth.
  822,439 ft2 1,045,572 ft2
Electricity 2013 2018
Even as the campus grew over the past five years, conservation has been top priority and has resulted in an overall decrease of 24% in energy use.
  8.4 kWh/ft2 6.4 kWh/ft2
Natural Gas 2013 2018
More efficient heating systems have, in part, led to less natural gas consumption for a 26% reduction. 
  0.34 Therms/ft2 0.25 Therms/ft2
Recycling 2013 2018
Due to campus wide recycling education and collection efforts, the amount of recycling per square foot of buildings has increased 33%. 
  1344 yards 2002 yards
Water 2013 2018
The addition of 2 student housing buildings with 24.7 operational hours has only increased the campus water usage by 3%!
  7,191,772 gallons 8,274,951 gallons