Definition and Purpose Statement

EvCC Shared Governance Purpose Statement

In Spring 2020, the Shared Governance Task Force developed the framework and principles within which shared governance will operate. Transitional Campus Council established bylaws to support the framework in 2021-2022.  All activities of shared governance should align with the college’s strategic planmission, vision, core themes and values, and the 5 Dimensions of Equity


Shared governance is a structure and process for partnership, equity, accountability, and ownership in decisions affecting the organization and its stakeholders. It fosters an empowering and inclusive environment, allowing all members of the campus community to have a voice in decision-making, thereby cultivating diverse, creative and critical input with the goal of increasing the success of our students and advancing the institution.

The purpose includes:  

  • Equity: Cultivate an environment that promotes diverse, creative and critical input.
  • Transparency: Aims for transparency in decision making in an atmosphere of trust. 
  • Communication: Providing clear, well-defined, effective and timely channels of communication for making recommendations and decisions.
  • Constituencies: Relevant employees, students and stakeholders have an equitable voice in providing input to the decision making process.
  • Participation: By providing opportunities for open and equitable communication, the EvCC shared governance task force aims to keep faculty, staff and students informed and involved in developments occurring within the college community.  
  • Collaboration: Partner and collaborate to receive critical information from relevant constituencies and stakeholders to facilitate the advancement of the institution in the furtherance of the success of our students' experience at EvCC.