Student Spotlight - Violet Gleny Parks

Gleny Parks

Violet Gleny Parks, who goes by Gleny, says EvCC transformed her life. Student support organizations helped her navigate higher education as a parent of a toddler, immigrant and the first in her family to attend college, while her instructors helped her succeed academically. “I have had the best support system,” she said. Gleny was named a 2023 EvCC Outstanding Graduate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and plans to become a surgeon. 

Tell me a little bit about yourself, including the degree or certificate you earned from EvCC.

I am a Kenyan immigrant, first-generation college student, and a student parent who earned an Associate in Science (DTA) from Everett Community College.

Why did you choose EvCC?

I chose EvCC because it was close to home and offered the course that I wanted to pursue.

Who has helped you succeed at EvCC? What did that person do to help you? 

During my time here at EvCC I have had the best support system. TRiO, MESA, Diversity and Equity Center, E-STEM, and Center for Disability Services: These student organizations anchored me to the ground and helped me navigate college while ensuring that I had an equal platform to access higher education.

I cannot forget to mention Professors Sumita Singh and Maximiliane Boeckl, who have gone far and beyond in supporting me as an older student and a mother, to the extent of offering to babysit my 3-year-old toddler so I don't miss a class. 

Lastly, Professor Frederick Dooley, where do I even begin with this one? Ricky is my official advisor and has guided me through my STEM journey. I was fortunate enough to attend his Biology classes, and he pushed me to limits I never knew were possible for the human brain. He taught me how to apply logic when thinking, and even when the going got rough he never let me give up. Professor Dooley created a safe place not just for me, but for all my classmates. He went out of his way to help me and others apply for universities and allowed me to bring my son to classes. I look up to him as far as biology is concerned, and through him, I know that I can push the envelope not only in academia but in life. 

What do you plan to do next?

My next plan is to complete my undergraduate degree in General Biology at the University of Washington Seattle campus. 

What interested you about your area of study?

My area of interest is in the practice of Medicine and how the art of surgery can be used to help manage diseases as well as save lives.

How do you think the skills you learned at EvCC are helping you reach your goals?

The skills that I learned at EvCC have equipped me with the foundation knowledge and how to communicate effectively, be considerate, and always look at the bigger picture. These skills I will carry on not only in academia but in my daily life. 

Describe the best experience you had at EvCC.

My best experiences at EvCC were getting to meet and mingle with people from different parts of the world, and seeing how different cultures can integrate and coexist together. 

What advice do you have for new students?

My advice to new students is that it takes a village! Find your tribe, and lean on each other through this journey. You may need a good cry once in a while and remember that it doesn't get any easier, but if you have a strong support system, even better with supportive family members, you will be just fine.

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

Thank you EvCC for transforming my life!

Gleny Parks