What Our Students Have To Say
Khade Muangkroot - Thailand
"The reason I choose EvCC is that EvCC provides one of the most prestigious education among other community colleges in the Seattle area. EvCC also has a big population base that allows students to develop a sense of community and helps students thrive in their area of interest. College life will be one of the stories you will be living with years from now, so why don't just make it the best you can. Don't be one in a MILLION... be one that stands out from a BILLION!"
Huy Ho - Vietnam
"The reason why I chose EvCC was because of its well-known aviation program. By having the aviation campus (aka Paine Field) and also Boeing Field near there so we can really tell it is the school’s pride. Also I believe that our school has high quality classes and selects high quality professors. For example, when it comes to exams, I always try to reach out to friends from other colleges in Washington to compare and I must say that ours test are more difficult compared to the rest of the colleges, so it helps me a lot to create a very good base to be ready for university, where the classes will be even harder."
Ka Ho Lai - Hong Kong
"I feel like I’m a person who has belonged in the engineering field ever since I was born because of the fact that I am better in Math and science, so I desired to dig into it academically as well. The problem, however, is that the education system in Hong Kong focuses a lot more on literature courses, such as English and Social Science, but not so much on what I am actually good at and what I am interested in. For this reason, I didn’t put as much effort on studying as I am right now. Because of that, I knew I wouldn’t do well on the university entrance exam, which basically determines whether you can go to university or not. If I failed the exam I would need to spend an extra year studying by myself to retake the exam. I didn’t want to spend time doing something that is full of uncertainty, so I took a chance to come to EvCC where they provide a High School Completion Program and programs that develop what I am really interested in and good at."
Katherinne Echeverri - Costa Rica
"The best experience for me was when I became a Student Ambassador. The last few months have been a great experience where I have had the opportunity of having fun, making friends, getting involved with campus activities and meeting many people with whom I have established good connections."
Aiman Azhan - Malaysia
"Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, there’s no such thing as stupid question. Everett Community College offers many helpful resources that would motivate you throughout your college life. Make some new friends, don’t be afraid to communicate even if English isn’t your first language, and always treat people the way you want to be treated. Believe me, college is way more fun than what you think."
Paulo Mendez - Brazil
"...after visiting Everett's campus I had no doubt. The atmosphere at Everett is just different. All the interactions I had on my first day with both students and staff were just special. At Everett people will care for you and respect you despite where you come from, how old are you, what you identify as, what religion you follow or not follow and I wanted to be part of this."
Let Paulo give you a campus tour.

Bhumika Harpal - India
"One of my best experiences at EvCC was getting a job in Student LIFE. My experience working in Student LIFE has given me a chance to sharpen my communication skills, which I am truly thankful for."

Felix Prabowo - Indonesia
"Everett Community College is a welcoming place."

Jaimie Osuna Cardenas - Mexico
"Academic options, athletics and the beautiful campus."

Kien Bui - Vietnam
"My best day, winning the Club of the Year award at the student banquet during my presidency at the International Club."

Ho Tin Li - Hong Kong
"I finished my High School and Aerospace Engineering programs in two years."
It Is Easy to Get Involved
The EvCC International Club depends on your participation! Join us for evening activities, weekend trips, and an opportunity to share your experiences in the US. Recent trips have included Woodland Park Zoo, University of Washington, the Leavenworth “Bavarian Village”, Deception Pass State Park, and Historic Port Townsend.
There are many other club opportunities as well. Consider joining the Asian/Pacific Islanders Student Union, the Drama Club, Brothers and Sisters United, or the Engineering Club.
Our Student Government Association has many positions for student representatives, and the Student Programs Board looks for volunteers to organize events, programs and educational opportunities for students.