Student Government

ASB Executive Council group photo

Meet Your ASB Executive Council

All currently registered Everett Community College students are members of the Associated Student Body (ASB). The role of the ASB government is to hear and address student ideas and concerns in order to improve the student experience at EvCC. The ASB government is also responsible for approving the S&A Fee, E-Tech, Student Campus Enhancement and Green Fee budgets. 

There are many ways to get involved at EvCC, two specifically are Executive Council and the Student Senate.  

Executive Council is the day-to-day student government management team. For 2024-25, your representatives are:


Zoey Rhodes
ASB President
Pathway: Humanities


Viola Nguyen
Vice President of Administration
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)


Conner Wojahn
Vice President of Budget
Pathway: Social Science, Education, and Public Safety


Ivonne Salazar
Vice President of Clubs & Organizations
Pathway: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)


David Umeh
Vice President of Student Engagement
Pathway: Advanced Manufacturing and Aerospace

Student Leadership Positions 

Want to Get Involved?

Join ASB Senate - Find out how here! 

The ASB Student Senate is a "self elect" process. To become an ASB Student Senator, you must meet the minimum requirements:

  • Currently enrolled EvCC student
  • Maintain a minimum of five credits
  • Maintain a quarterly/cumulative GPA of at least 2.5

Stay up to date on what your ASB Senate is discussing and working on by viewing the Senate Meeting Agendas and Minutes.

There are numerous opportunities to get involved at EvCC. You can serve on college/student committees such as a Faculty Appointment (Tenure) Committee, Capital Planning Committee, Emergency Management Committee, just to name a few! Contact the ASB President or the Dean of Student Development to find out more information.

ASB "Senate Info Bites"

Senate Info Bites are a great chance to talk with student senator members, get the scoop on what's happening on campus, share your opinions or concerns, and get a free snack! Look for us across campus each quarter with a rotating selection of goodies just for you.

Voting information for Everett Community College students:

Register to Vote in Washington State 

Click above link to access important voting information.

  • You must be 18 or over by the next election, and a citizen of the United States.

  • Register online if you have a Washington driver's license or state identification card. Whether registering online or by mail your registration application must be postmarked 29 days before Election Day.

  • Register in person at your County Elections Office up to 8pm on Election Day. If you are already registered in Washington and are moving within the state, you must update your registration by the 29th day before the election, otherwise your ballot will be sent to your previous registration address.

Helpful Links:

Constitution Day - September 17 2023

The ASB Executive Council will help you register to vote during Fall Welcome Days! Stop by the Welcome Table on Friday, September 15 from 10am-3pm to chat with your student government and register to vote. 

The Constitution of the United States - On September 17, 1787, 38 delegates signed the Constitution in Philadelphia, PA. The Constitution makes up one of three documents collectively known as the Charters of Freedom. The other documents are the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

  • The Declaration of Independence expresses the ideals on which the United States was founded and the reasons for separation from Great Britain.

  • The Constitution defines the framework of the Federal Government of the United States.

  • The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It defines citizens' and states' rights in relation to the Government.

More information available at the National Archives | America's Founding Documents | Celebrating Constitution Day

In 2004, Congress established September 17 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and included provisions in the bill requiring public schools and governmental offices to provide information to promote a better understanding of the Constitution.

For questions or more information contact:

ASB Executive Council
Parks Student Union, 209
425.388.9317 |

Justyce Wright
Student LIFE Advisor
Parks Student Union, 209
425-388-9504 |