Priorities, Mission, Vision, Purpose

Strategic Priorities


Everett Community College creates an equitable campus culture where students, faculty, staff, and the larger community are valued, welcomed, and actively supported.

GOAL 1.1: Establish structures and practices that promote students’ development of social and academic belonging.


  • 1.1.1: Assess and revise pathways and program maps to ensure historically underserved students’ goals, values, and experiences are represented.
  • 1.1.2: Create and sustain opportunities for Native/Indigenous; African/Black; Hispanic/Latino; Undocumented; Pacific Islander; LGBTQ+ students to form student-based organizations to support each other and to access trained mentors.
  • 1.1.3: Expand professional development opportunities for faculty that lead to historically underserved students’ participation in high impact practices regardless of a chosen program or pathway.

GOAL 1.2: Develop and nurture an inclusive and equitable campus culture.


  • 1.2.1: Recruit and retain faculty and staff that reflect the student population and community.
  • 1.2.2: Design spaces and services that provide outreach and welcome historically underrepresented students, faculty, staff, and community members.
  • 1.2.3: Develop and implement a professional development program for faculty and staff focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism to inform new and ongoing initiatives.


Everett Community College rebuilds the current modes and systems of instruction and student services to expand equitable access and opportunities for all students, staff, and faculty to learn.

GOAL 2.1: Build an intentional and supportive environment for students that reinforces that every student is known, respected, and valued.


  • 2.1.1: Reexamine policies, practices, and processes to alleviate barriers to student engagement and success.
  • 2.1.2: Scale equity-minded support services that center the experiences of students disproportionately impacted by college delivery systems.

GOAL 2.2: Establish balanced modes of delivery to meet varying and diverse student needs.


  • 2.2.1: Implement an advising model that leads to student access, persistence, success, completion, and successful transfer and/or placement.
  • 2.2.2: Increase accelerated and non-traditional program offerings (e.g. distance learning, prior learning experience/assessment, I-BEST, competency based, evening and weekend programs, and bachelor of applied science.).
  • 2.2.3: Expand and implement early intervention strategies to reduce the number of students who stop/drop out.


Everett Community College reimagines and reforms the institution to equitably balance cultural, human, environmental, technological, and financial resources.

GOAL 3.1: Implement a financial stewardship model that promotes transparency, accountability and strategic alignment with equity and social justice values.


  • 3.1.1: Align budget planning, allocation, and management with EvCC’s Strategic Plan.
  • 3.1.2: Grow foundation support for students by designing, developing, and executing comprehensive annual fundraising campaigns and by ensuring equitable transparent processes for accessing foundation resources.
  • 3.1.3: Develop a comprehensive long-term Strategic Enrollment Management and Retention Plan founded in equitable practices, based on regular environmental scans, predictive modeling and targeted investment/program development.

GOAL 3.2: Build institutional capacity for equity and social justice through structures, systems, and processes that promote enfranchisement, inclusivity, and dialogue.


  • 3.2.1: Develop, retain, and promote a diverse workforce with the skills and experience to meet the needs of EvCC student communities, especially those disproportionately impacted by systemic racism.
  • 3.2.2: Implement shared governance to promote transparency, trust and accountability in the decision-making process.
  • 3.3.3: Cultivate expertise and leadership on equity issues across all functions of the institution including instruction, equity, student services, administration, finance, facilities, and human resources.


Everett Community College develops equitable educational opportunities leading directly to the attainment of student aspirations, career mobility, strengthened partnerships, and community vitality.

GOAL 4.1: Develop curricular and co-curricular experiences that support career-connectedness.


  • 4.1.1: Incorporate work-based and experiential learning opportunities into every Pathway at EvCC (e.g. prior learning experience/assessment, pedagogies such as course-based undergraduate research experiences, internships, externships, clinical, practicums, capstones projects, and portfolios.).
  • 4.1.2: Improve program offerings/programs for students to ensure they are reflective of local/regional needs and emerging trends.
  • 4.1.3: Formalize co-curricular learning process(es) and advertise process(es) for all students to know and utilize.

College Mission

We educate, equip, and inspire each student to achieve personal and professional goals, contribute to our diverse communities, and thrive in a global society. 

College Vision

Everett Community College serves, educates, and builds communities, one person at a time.


We believe that this plan affirms our purpose, emphasizes our values, tests our core strengths, and refocuses our priorities to reflect a culture of resilience and perseverance.