Campus Climate Assessment

Reflective of Everett Community college’s institutional commitment to equity and in compliance with RCW 28B.10.147,  EvCC will regularly conduct a college-wide campus climate assessment along with listening and feedback sessions. Our intent is to better understand and improve the campus environment as it relates to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and overall sense of belonging.

As part of an ongoing partnership with the Division of Equity and Social Justice, the Equity and Social Justice Committee and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, we will partner to administer and deliver findings about the overall state of our campus community.  

Assessment Results

Everett Community College selected the HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey  as its instrument for evaluation of student and employee attitudes and awareness of campus diversity, equity and inclusion issues. We plan to run this survey every two years. Our inaugural launch was Spring 2022. To view the college's June 2022 progress report to the state, click here

The full results of the Spring 2022 assessment are below: 

You may request clarification or additional analysis by contacting the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Listening and Feedback Sessions

Listening and feedback sessions will be scheduled each year between the survey-based campus climate assessments, and additional sessions are expected to coincide with the release of the climate survey results. A summary of themes and recommendations will be posted here once they are available.

The 2022 campus climate survey was followed by a series of listening sessions facilitated by Cultures Connecting, held both virtually and on campus in early Fall. These confidential sessions aimed to gather more information and engage in honest discussions about racial equity and social justice in response to the climate survey.

The themes that emerged from the 2022 campus climate survey informed the development of Belonging at EvCC, our new professional development program focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism. In 2022-2023 all new employees will be registered for the training. It will be assessed and revised in an iterative process each year to reflect the needs of our community, and will expand beyond new employees in its second year.