Student Spotlight

Meet some of Everett Community College's students and graduates.

Alena and Caleb Benoit

Alena and Caleb Benoit

Alena Marie Benoit and her nephew Caleb Benoit graduated from Everett Community College together, becoming the first in their family to finish any kind of school. “Being able to walk with my aunt down the aisle for graduation was a great feeling,” Caleb said. He plans to start a career in welding, while his aunt is pursuing her education degree. “I hope that one day, I will be an instructor at EvCC and share with the students I’m teaching that I first started here at EvCC, and that anything is possible.”

Camila Garcia Lemos

Camila Garcia Lemos in a grassy field outside of Parks Student Union.

Alum Camila Garcia Lemos chose EvCC due to its International Education program, which remained accessible to students around the world during the pandemic. “The college made me feel welcome in a place far from my home,” she said, regarding her time studying in the United States. Active in the campus community, Garcia Lemos held many work study positions at the college and served as student speaker for the 2024 graduation ceremony. 

Innessa Krykun

Innessa Krykun

First-generation student Innessa Krykun has always wanted to work in the medical field and chose to attend the Medical Billing and Coding program at EvCC. “I am fascinated by the medical field and the science behind the human body,” she says. A recipient of an EvCC Foundation scholarship, Innessa says: “The EvCC Foundation has helped me realize that there are people out there that are willing to help; you just need to reach out.” 

Hannah Walstad Kramer

Hannah Kramer

Driven by the desire to see positive changes in clinical and inpatient centers, Hannah Walstad Kramer jumped in whole-heartedly to pursue her educational goals at EvCC. As a member of the Associated Student Body Executive Council, Hannah says: “This experience truly enriched my life! I met amazing people and had experiences I never could have otherwise, including meeting with State legislators and networking in Washington, D.C.” 

Kai Decker

Diane Brown stands with Kai Decker

Kai Decker chose EvCC because it provided the opportunity to earn his high school diploma and transfer degree simultaneously. Kai’s best experience was the EvCC Honors Program, for which he conducted research on the association between academic achievement, student engagement, and sense of belonging of a high school student population after COVID-19. “This long process was extremely rewarding to look back on the work and experience,” Kai says. He plans to attend the University of California, Irvine, and become a doctoral researcher in the field of computer science and AI.

Bryan Pine

Bryan Pine
EvCC’s special underage admissions process provided Bryan Pine an opportunity to begin attending college full-time at just 14 years old and graduate at 16 years old. He’s now pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology. He says: “At EvCC, I was able to learn more about human cognition and behavior, the knowledge of which helps me better help and understand others."

AAliyah Garcia

AAliyah Garcia with Nicole Nsa and two other students
AAliyah Garcia seized the opportunity to use resources from the EvCC Foundation, Athletics and the support and advice of a coach in order to achieve her associate degree at EvCC. “I knew I wanted to stay connected to the sport I love, which is soccer, so that is why I chose to study exercise science,” AAliyah says. 

Elizabeth Martinez

Elizabeth Martinez at graduation.
Elizabeth Martinez will be the first-generation in her family to graduate from a university. She chose Everett Community College for its proximity to home and affordability. Martinez plans to transfer to the University of Washington to study architecture. As an all-star women’s soccer forward, one of her favorite parts of attending the college was participating in Trojan Athletics. “Everyone wants to see you succeed and I think that is something I will always love about Everett,” she says.

Aristotle Ronyak

A picture Aristotle Ronyak in front of several trees, wearing a red bowtie.
Aristotle Ronyak started his college career early at Everett Community College through the special underage admissions processgraduating high school at age 14. Interested in becoming a doctor, he is preparing to transfer from EvCC to a four-year university to get a degree in biomedical engineering. He is a member of national honor society Phi Theta Kappa, Teen Innovators and Biomedical Engineering Society, and he has spoken to Congress in support of the Autism Cares Act. “Don't be afraid to push yourself,” says Ronyak. “I did and was amazed at how much I was able to accomplish.”

Trae Tinglestad

EvCC Student Trae Tinglestad in front of Jackson Conference Center

Trae Tingelstad is one of Everett Community College’s first bachelor’s degree students. He chose EvCC for its affordability and closeness to home and decided to stay when EvCC launched the Bachelor of Applied Science in Accounting degree. “People think that community college isn’t as in-depth, but EvCC has a vast variety of programs in which one can pursue their career goals,” he said.

Sandra Hernandez

Sandra Hernandez, a recent graduate, chose EvCC because of her prior experience in the Running Start program. She chose EvCC because it is close to home. Sandra appreciates the student and faculty atmosphere at EvCC. She is passionate about the environment and seeks to continue her education in environmental studies at the University of Washington Bothell campus.

Bianca Morales

Bianca Morales wanted experience in the medical field, so she chose Everett Community College’s medical assisting program, where students can graduate from a nationally accredited program in as little as five quarters and prepare for the certified medical assistant (CMA) exam. Bianca is now proud to work in her community while pursuing entrance into EvCC’s nursing program. “I found confidence here that I never would have known I had if it weren't for the teachers pushing me to give it my all,” she said. “I had an amazing experience!!!!!”

Natalie VanWinkle

Natalie VanWinkle in the Cascade Learning Resource Center

After earning her associate degree at EvCC, Natalie VanWinkle chose to continue at the college as part of the first Bachelor of Applied Science in Accounting class. She said her instructors and the Tutoring Center are positive influences on her educational journey. When it comes to her instructors, she says, “They see the best in their students and their main goal is to help them succeed.”

Ruoyun and Qingyun Li

Ruoyun Li, 13, and her younger brother Qingyun Li, 12, are two ofEverett Community College’s youngest students.

Ruoyun Li, 13, and her younger brother Qingyun Li, 12, are two of Everett Community College’s youngest students. 

During the pandemic when their elementary school classes went online, the two needed more challenging work. They read through a box of National Geographic magazines and listened and learned while their father taught online computer science classes at Bellevue College from their home.

Anthony Do

Anthony Do

Anthony Do, an EvCC alum now pursuing a bachelor's in Software Engineering at WSU-Everett, credits the College Bound Scholarship for easing financial worries. As a running start student, he earned a DTA and an associate degree at EvCC, developing essential skills through roles like a student ambassador. Anthony encourages new students to reflect on their goals, highlighting how the Student Ambassadors at EvCC became a supportive and cherished family during his time there.

Shad Fleshman-Cooper

EvCC Aviation Maintenance Technician student Shad Fleshman-Cooper on stairs entering aircraft.

Shad Fleshman-Cooper has a passion for aviation. That's why, after working in an unrelated field, he chose to enroll in EvCC's Aviation Maintenance Technician school. "It was an easy choice for me," says Fleshman-Cooper. "I was already familiar with the program from when I attended the aviation program my senior year in high school as a Sno-isle student. I’ve always held the program in high regard and EvCC has been training AMTs for decades." After finishing with the program, he hopes to become an aircraft on the ground (AOG) mechanic.

Megan Macias

Megan Macias at commencement outside, in front of trees and fellow graduates.

Megan Macias is a first generation Everett Community College alum who graduated with an associate degree in Diversity, Equity and Social Justice in Spring 2023. Being the mother of a young son, her journey to getting a degree had its challenges, but support from EvCC’s staff such as Student LIFE’s team helped her achieve her goals. “Through this, I learned that if you have a solid community of support, anything is possible,” stated Megan, who is planning to transfer to Western Washington University’s Human Services program. She plans to use the skills she acquired from EvCC to become involved in political advocacy and instruction.

Christina Blomberg

Christina Blomberg poses in her cap and gown.

Christina Blomberg describes herself a “local PNW gal,” born and raised in Everett, who enjoys sci-fi, books, music, ballet, and art! Growing up with a father who was an artist, she started drawing at 5 years old. “I started drawing at 5 years old, and even then, it was really the only thing I ever saw myself doing,” Blomberg said. With 6 siblings and limited opportunities to take art classes, Blomberg was mostly self-taught before attending EvCC. But with the help of her father and her own determination to pursue her passion, she has now graduated with an Associates in Fine Arts, with a focus on studio arts, from EvCC. 

Amandeep Kaur

Amandeep Kaur at the 2022 TRiO graduation.

Amandeep Kaur is a first-generation Everett Community College alum who received her associate degree from EvCC in 2022. After moving to the United States from India, Amandeep took ESL (English as a second language) in 2015 and got her high school diploma in 2020.  She praised the Center for Disability Services, which helped her with accessible materials for blindness. She now plans to transfer to Western Washington University to get her bachelor's degree.

Ryan Nelson

Ryan Nelson

When Ryan Nelson agreed to help his friend look into a career in aviation maintenance, he had no idea it would lead him to quitting his job and starting the aviation maintenance program at Everett Community College. But that’s exactly what he did, and since then, he’s never looked back. A few years later, Nelson is now working as a Lead Technician at Horizon Air, performing maintenance on all their aircrafts. 

Aiden Luhr

EvCC graduate Aiden Luhr on campus in graduation cap and gown

Aiden Luhr chose EvCC when he was recruited to run track and field. He ran on a scholarship for both years he attended EvCC. It was also affordable compared to other schools that he was considering. Combining his love for sports with his passion for writing, Aiden is pursuing a career in sports journalism. With the experience of writing for EvCC's student newspaper, The Clipper, Aiden plans to transfer to Western Washington and get his bachelor’s in journalism.

Jamira Barnes

EvCC graduate and student athlete Jamira Barnes in commencment cap and gown
Student athlete Jamira Barnes chose EvCC when she was offered a scholarship to run track for the college. “I wanted to continue my track career,” Barnes said, “and I believed in my coaches and the athletic department to help me develop into a better athlete.” Having earned an Associate’s degree in Arts and Sciences, Jamira plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Danya Allsh

Danya Allsh, EvCC Graduate.
Danya Allsh started attending EvCC while in high school through Running Start. She followed in her brother’s footsteps and continued at EvCC, becoming a Student LIFE ambassador. That was “one of the greatest experiences I had while attending EvCC,” she said. “I was able to branch out, make many lifelong
friends, and take part in college events & activities!” She encourages new students to get involved
in order to build a strong support system.

Mailee Xiong Nguyen

EvCC graduate Mailee Xiong Nguyen in cap and gown

Mailee Xiong Nguyen is the first generation in her family to attend college. A Hmong refugee, she chose EvCC because it was close to home, affordable, and because of the nursing school. "Every instructor in the nursing program has played a significant role in helping me succeed," she said. "They pushed me beyond my comfort zone, challenged me to think critically, and encouraged me to believe in myself." Now that she's earned her Nursing AAS-DTA/MRP, Mailee will pursue her BSN at the University of Washington, Bothell.

Francisco Jimenez

Francisco Jimenez

Francisco Jimenez’s stellar start in EvCC’s Youth Re-Engagement program was cut short when he was diagnosed with cancer at age 18. He had to pause college to fight for his life, receiving a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. But he beat cancer and eagerly returned to EvCC as soon as he could. “College was the environment I needed to thrive. I felt like Everett Community College was where I belonged,” he said. Francisco was named one of EvCC’s Outstanding Graduates in Transitional Studies in 2023, earning his high school diploma and associate in arts and sciences - direct transfer agreement degree. Next, he will probably transfer to the University of Washington. “What’s next?” he says. “I’m alive, so whatever my heart desires.”

Violet Gleny Parks

Gleny Parks

Violet Gleny Parks, who goes by Gleny, says EvCC transformed her life. Student support organizations helped her navigate higher education as a parent of a toddler, immigrant and the first in her family to attend college, while her instructors helped her succeed academically. “I have had the best support system,” she said. Gleny was named a 2023 EvCC Outstanding Graduate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and plans to become a surgeon. 

William (Po Chun) Chou

International student William (Po Chun) Chou

International student William (Po Chun) Chou came to the U.S. to pursue a higher education different from that he would receive in his home country of Taiwan. He chose Everett Community College for the beautiful campus and caring faculty. Having earned his Aerospace Composites Technician certificate from AMTEC, William decided to study aerospace engineering and is transferring to Arizona State University to pursue a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering with an emphasis on astronautics.

Tre’vaun Reeves

EvCC and TRiO student Tre’vaun Reeves poses in cap and gown after TRiO graduation ceremony.

Tre’vaun Reeves loves writing, music, and content creation. She also served as Black Student Union President. When asked about her leadership skills, she says “continuing my education was the start of learning what leadership means and how to embody the leadership characteristics of those who inspired me.”

Chris Von Reybyton

EvCC IT and cybersecurity student Chris Reybyton

Chris Von Reybyton is a former chef who decided go back to school and pursue an education in information technology and cybersecurity. He chose EvCC because it was close to where he lived and because of the IT program. "EvCC gave me skills that have been proven to be important to the field of Information Technology and Cyber Security," Von Reybyton said. After earning his associate degree from EvCC, Chris enrolled at SANS Institute to pursue his bachelor's of applied science degree.

Bailey Behn

EvCC graduate Bailey Behn in graduation cap and gown

Inspired by Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), Bailey Behn chose EvCC to pursue a career in electrical engineering. “When I was little,” says Behn, “I watched Iron Man and thought things like what if that was real? How would that work? And why would it work?" An EvCC Foundation Scholarship recipient, Behn chose EvCC because it was close to home and made more sense financially. “I've always been nervous about the topic of money,” he says. “Knowing I secured the EvCC Foundation Scholarship helped ease that worry and got me to where I could walk across the stage and graduate.”

Cathryn and Lorrayn McCauley

Twin sisters Lorrayn and Cathryn McCauley followed different paths to Everett Community College, but the person who led them here was the same - their mom, EvCC alum and former employee Emily Duckworth. "What really set my choice to go to EvCC, was looking back on the graduates I could see from my front porch as a kid; we cheered for them and wished them congratulations and I just knew I wanted to be one of them," Lorrayn said. The sisters graduated together in June 2022 and plan to continue their studies (at different universities), Cathryn in anthropology and history and Lorrayn in architecture.

Jeremiah Weiland and Madison McElrath

Brother-and-sister duo Jeremiah Weiland and Madison McElrath participated in the Youth Re-Engagement program and graduated from EvCC, and their mother Belinda Weiland graduated from the early childhood education program. Together, they founded and operate Refined Coffee, just steps from EvCC’s campus, where they work to create a welcoming environment for the community, including college students. As Madison says: “If I had any advice for the new EvCC students it would be to stay focused on the goals you have set ahead of you and to celebrate all the accomplishments along the way!”

Jessica Mudd

EvCC Ceramics student Jessica Mudd poses at pottery wheel in ceramics studio

After ten years working retail, Jessica Mudd decided it was time for a change. She chose to pursue Studio Arts at EvCC because of the flexibility of the class schedules and the convenient location. "They provided resources for me to feel like I could succeed in my education, while also balancing my work and home life, she said. "I was also impressed by the art department and the range of classes offered."

Meg Macdonald

Meg Macdonald

In July of 2020, Meg Macdonald was laid off from her job and used the opportunity to pursue an education that aligned with her interests. Thanks in part to an EvCC Foundation scholarship, she was able to completely focus on her studies. She got involved with student government, honor society and the college's food pantry, which she says helped her stay engaged in her college experience. "I am truly grateful for the scholarship and the peace of mind it gave me so I could immerse myself in my classes and extracurriculars!" Macdonald said. 

Calvin Emerson

EvCC Student Calvin Emerson

After feeling cooped up at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic for too long, Calvin Emerson was looking for a fresh start. A natural storyteller, he decided to study journalism at EvCC. But Emerson’s time at EvCC extended beyond Journalism classes and writing for the school newspaper, The Clipper. He was recently elected as a Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) honor society regional officer for the greater Northwest. “While I’m still working on what my exact plans will be,” Emerson said, “I can say with complete confidence that I will seek to encourage both individual chapters and PTK as a whole to engage in new practices that will improve the organization’s accessibility. I want there to be more of those little things that, for a neurotypical person, may go unnoticed but can mean a world of difference for those with disabilities like myself.”

Taylor Garcia

Taylor Garcia at EvCC 2022 Outstanding Graduate Ceremony

Taylor Garcia decided to enroll at EvCC during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It was the perfect option for me to be close to family” says Taylor, “and it provided all the courses I needed to transfer to a 4-year university, online!” After graduating EvCC as an Outstanding Graduate (Outstanding graduates are awarded an "Honor of Excellence" gold medallion on a red and white ribbon to wear during the commencement ceremony), Taylor is now attending the University of Washington and pursuing a degree in Communication Studies.

James Michael Joyce

Avionics student James Michael Joyce

EvCC Avionics graduate James Michael Joyce decided to return to school after a decade in order to make a career change. James chose Everett Community College for its wide range of advanced manufacturing and aerospace pathways. After completing his Mechatronics Systems Certificate, James went on to study Advanced Avionics. Now working as an Electrical Integration Technician at Blue Origin in Kent, James credits the hands-on training he received at EvCC for his success in landing a job so quickly after completing the program. “Any and all of the hands-on experience I had at EvCC, during avionics and mechatronics, were the best parts of my education,” he said. “I've used many of these skills during my first 6 months of work and I'd have been lost without them. These skills laid a solid foundation for me to continue learning on the job.”

Levi Williams

EvCC TRiO and MESA student Levi Williams

Levi Williams chose EvCC because “it was local and had resources I needed to be a successful student.” Those resources included TRiO Student Support Services, a federally funded program that provides academic support services to first-generation, low-income students, and students with disabilities and the MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) program. “I learned so much more than chemistry during my time at EvCC” says Levi. “I can't even begin to list the changes it has made in my life's trajectory. It's so important that  every single person has access to this experience. I hope that together we can work toward a future where that's reality.”

Jiahna Chapman

Jiahna Chapman

At the age of 27 Jiahna Chapman decided to return to college to begin working toward a Bachelor’s degree. She began that journey at EvCC. “It seemed so daunting at the time of enrollment,” Chapman said. “Four years sounded like a lifetime. Now that I'm two years in, I can honestly say it was one of the best things I have ever done in my life.” Armed with a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) from EvCC, Chapman enrolled at WSU Global to study Integrated Strategic Communications to finish what she started. “It's never too late to start something that will put you into a career that you love and make new friends along the way.”

Michelle Perry

Michelle Perry

Before Michelle Perry started at EvCC, she overcame addiction, escaped domestic violence, and was working to regain custody of her children. She is determined to succeed, and is earning an Associate in Arts and Sciences Degree - Direct Transfer Agreement with plans to study mental health and substance abuse treatment in healthcare. She is already working as part of a team of hospital peer counselors who work with patients who have overdosed in the last 30 days. By sharing her experiences with patients and EvCC students, she hopes it will bring them hope and strength for brighter futures.  

Butoyi Emmanuel

Butoyi Emmanuel (Emmanuel as he prefers to be called) immigrated to America as a child and became the first person in his family to go to college in the United States. He says his best experience at EvCC was making a plan with his TRiO advisor to complete his degree, transfer to a university and become a high school history teacher.

John Apple

After a career in the U.S. Navy, John Apple decided to become a nurse and chose Everett Community College after learning that its nursing program is well respected. "As stressful as it is, the amount of support we're surrounded by both in and out of the classroom is spectacular," he says. John credits his instructors, advisor, classmates, the Veterans' Resource Center, and the Workforce Funding office for helping guide him on the path to success. 

Jake Avilla

As the first person in his family to go to college, Jake Avilla knows the importance of seeking support. The student ambassador participates in TRiO, a federally funded program that provides academic support for first-generation students, low-income students and students with disabilities. “My advice is always to seek out extra help or just talk to other people that know more than you do,” he says.

Erica Larson

Erica chose EvCC’s medical assistant program because according to medical office managers, this was the best place to get her certification. She now works at an Everett medical clinic in the endocrinology department. "I truly love helping people in any way that I can," Erica says. "It brings me joy working in the medical field."

Rosemary Carrizales

Everett Community College's second-shift aviation maintenance classes were the perfect fit for Rosemary Carrizales. The program allows her to work full-time during the day and take classes at night. "I didn't have to change my life around to go to school," she says. "I love not working in a conventional office setting, working with my hands and being physically active. All of these things just fit right into being a mechanic in aviation."

Baydaa Alshatee

A student looks over her shoulder and smiles at the camera. She is typing on a laptop at her desk.

Baydaa Alshatee is the first girl in her family to pursue a college education. “I know all the women in my family are celebrating this victory,” she says. Her dream of being a college student came true in the Youth Re-Engagement program, which allows students ages 16 to 20 to earn both a high school diploma and college credits. Now, when she isn’t leading students as Associated Student Body President, she’s writing stories for The Clipper, EvCC’s student newspaper or packing grocery bags in the food pantry.

Beenish Iqbal

Beenish Iqbal says she will never forget experiencing the diverse cultures of EvCC while she studied for her associates degree in elementary education. Her peers from all over the world taught her cultural competency. This experience isn't captured in her transcript, she says, but it is vital for her future career as a school principal. She says, "Be yourself, no matter what life brings to you. This world needs a real YOU."

Tiffany Work

Tiffany Work enhanced her technical skills at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center in the mechatronics program. During the pandemic, she earned a college degree and mastered operating, testing and maintaining robotic equipment. She credits AMTEC's team of "passionate" instructors and employment facilitators with her success.  

Hope Ridder

A systems engineer smiles in front of her home workstation with a computer screen and a pink keyboard.

On her first visit to EvCC, Hope Ridder accidentally bumped into the IT advisor and 15 minutes later was sitting in her first class. That same advisor later directed Hope to an internship that led to her current position as systems engineer for a large retailer, where she can work from home. "Going from my first day of classes, asking what command prompt was, to reaching my position in two years will always amaze me," she said.

Jeff Koglin

Jeff Koglin earned a degree and several certificates at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center. AMTEC's Employment Facilitator helped Jeff put together a resume and find his job at an Everett engineering company. His advice for students is to approach classes as if they were your job.

Ashley Forst

When she earned her Associate in Arts and Sciences degree from EvCC, Ashley Forst became the first in her family to graduate from college. She chose EvCC for many reasons, especially on-campus housing. Now, she's fulfilling her dream of attending the University of Washington. "Do not be hard on yourself because your journey may not look like your peers. What matters is you’re here, you’re doing it, and you are working to achieve your dreams."

Krystle Hushagen

EvCC nursing graduate Krystle Hushagen.

Krystal Hushagan decided to become a nurse in middle school. At EvCC, she had supportive and encouraging instructors. "I would recommend the program at EvCC to anyone looking to start a career in nursing. The program ensures your success and prepares you perfectly to transition into your professional role as a nurse."

Melisa Parker

EvCC nursing graduate Melisa Parker.

As a child, Melisa Parker loved the idea of nursing, but was put off by working with bodily fluids. After spending time with family members in the hospital, she knew she belonged there. "I had a fierce physiological feeling and heard a voice that simply said, 'You could have an impact here.' That was the beginning of my journey to being who I was called to be." Melisa graduated in 2015 with her associate degree in nursing.

Vaughan Nelson

A middle school teacher instilled in Vaughan Nelson the belief that he could excel and achieve his dreams. Now he's on a mission to become a math teacher and replicate that classroom for another generation of students. EvCC's student housing, track and field team, TRiO and Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement programs are all part of Vaughan's success story. "I was chosen to come to this school for a reason," he says.

Bryana Shepherd

More than 10 years after dropping out of high school, Bryana Shepherd wanted a job where she felt fulfilled. And she wanted to make her kids proud. This led her to Everett Community College, where she is earning her associates degree with plans to earn her bachelor's degree in Everett. She has lots of advice students like her, including this gem: "Don't give up halfway through your first quarter. I promise it gets better....I figured out a study routine that worked for me, and I stopped questioning myself."

Ella Jonason

Ella Jonason is on her way to completing two college degrees in under three years.  After completing a Business Administration ATA degree with a 3.9 GPA she decided to pursue her passion in graphic design and will soon complete a Graphic Design AFA.  She is also currently Art Director for EvCC's Vibrations Magazine and offers advice to her fellow students, “You probably have the recorded voices of everyone who’s ever told you, you weren’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough or creative enough playing over and over in your head. Stop the playback and remember you know you are more. Listen to your GUT instead and try for something you really want, not something you think you need to be happy.

Cassidy Clausnitzer

When Cassidy Clausnitzer learned about Everett Community College’s East County Campus in Monroe, she wanted to be part of the community. A couple quarters later, she’s still able to connect with her classmates and instructors because the online classes are small and the instructors really care about student learning.

Absyde Dacoscos

Absyde Dacoscos finds online learning convenient as she juggles school, a full time job, and being a mom to two young children.  As she works to complete her ATA in Early Childhood Education, she offers helpful tips to help students navigate online learning, “Your instructors will always be there for you! Do not hesitate to reach out to them via email.”

Jonathan Pipes

EvCC's mechatronics program helped prepare Jonathan Pipes for his role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. At Ventec Life Systms, he's part of the team providing technical service and customer support for the world's first multi-function ventilator, a crucial tool that frontline medical professionals need to save lives. 

Sophie Howard

Running Start student Sophie Howard was one quarter away from graduating from both high school and college when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. During Spring quarter, she and many other students transitioned to online classes. Sophie didn't let a pandemic slow her down, and now she's on track to earn her high school diploma and her associate degree at the same time, becoming part of the unforgettable and tenacious class of 2020.

Carmen M. Oren

Carmen M. Oren has some advice and encouragement for students who are taking online classes for the first time. With three children and a full-time job on top of school, it was vital to Carmen's success to design a time and place for dedicating herself to school. One of her favorite parts of online classes are the discussion boards. "I've met some of my dearest friends through online schooling that I have gotten to share this journey with."

Grace Elliott

For Grace Elliott, EvCC's East County Campus in Monroe is close to home, and she loves her classes and teachers. She's earning high school and college credits at the same time - tuition-free - through Running Start. She's getting the classes she needs to transfer to a four-year university in Monroe. "My average class here is about 20 students, and that is smaller than some of my high school classes," Grace says. "In smaller classes, I am able to learn better, make friends easier, and form study groups."

Andrew Chia

Andrew Chia

Andrew Chia chose EvCC's Corporate & Continuing Education Center's Project Management and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certificate programs to increase his professional expertise. He put the knowledge and skills he gained to work immediately. His advice is "Don't stop learning and keep on advancing in your career. CCEC is the perfect place to help you achieve your goals."

Sebastian Corrales

Sebastian Corrales chose EvCC because it was close to home and part of his community. Also, he has "an obsession" with airplanes, which led him to earn a degree in advanced manufacturing technology. Part of his advice for students: "Know that nothing great should be easy."

Tyler McAfee

Tyler McAfee says having a college degree is required for most jobs and EvCC's East County Campus is critical for residents of the Monroe area to earn degrees. "The slogan, 'stay close, go far' fits well for people who reside in East County," he says. He plans for a career in forestry.

Greg Kirkland

Like many students at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center, Greg Kirkland is pursuing a career in welding. He heard great things about AMTEC from his high school shop teacher, and the program is close to home. His advice for students:  "Try your best, have fun, and don't be afraid to try new things."

Maria Velazquez

Maria Velazquez, an immigrant with a background in cosmetology, started taking English classes at Everett Community College's East County Campus so she could help her children with homework. Her instructor encouraged her to continue to Adult Basic Education classes, and although she was afraid at first of taking math and science classes entirely in English, Maria did it. Now, she's working her next goals: to earn her GED and then complete EvCC's cosmetology instructor program. 
Lea la historia de Maria en español.

Suyenne Jabido

Suyenne Jabido

Suyenne Jabido completed a certificate in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt through EvCC's Corporate & Continuing Education Center, then she launched a new career. Suyenne says "The programs at CCEC can expose you to different fields you may not have been exposed to otherwise. You may find ideas that speak strongly to your calling, or you may find a new calling altogether."

Phuong Vu

Phuong Vu

Phuong Vu, EvCC's 2019 commencement speaker, received a standing ovation after describing her move from Vietnam to the United States, struggle to learn English, and determination to become a doctor to serve those in need. Most importantly, she reminded students, "You have the power. You have the power to light up the house, the power to light up your heart, and the power to inspire others." 

Martha "Marty" Delaine

Martha "Marty" Delaine earned an associate degree in Business Technology with funding from her company, then got a promotion. There were moments she wanted to tear her hair out and throw a computer out the window, but she says "There is a ALWAYS a plan or an answer to your success. You just have to search for it and want it. And know this: you ARE worth it!"

Isabella Hensley

Isabella Hensley

Isabella Hensley earned her associate degree in Cosmetology with help from financial aid and an EvCC Foundation scholarship. "I want my scholarship donors to know how much I value and appreciate them. They are changing the lives of EvCC students and allowing us to follow our dreams." 

Nataya Foss

Nataya Foss

Nataya Foss discovered her passion for journalism at EvCC and found a home in the newsroom of EvCC's student media organization, The Clipper. "Getting involved on campus as Editor-in-Chief transformed the way I saw the school. EvCC went from being a place I go to school to being a place I call home. I was always excited to come to campus, it boosted my confidence and helped me make so many friends. Being involved made me a more determined student and helped me push through the obstacles in my life because I knew I had a support system here at EvCC."

Suzanne Smith

Suzanne Smith

Suzanne Smith came to EvCC in 2002 to earn her GED, but she wasn't ready. Fourteen years later, she returned for her high school diploma, continuing on to EvCC's Honors Program and earn her associate degree. Her advice to new students is that "when it gets tough, and it will, it is only temporary and the rewards are worth it in the end." 

Katherine Osborn

Katherine Osborn

Katherine Osborn wanted more of a challenge, so she chose Running Start at EvCC. While studying biology, she learned about the MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement program, which provided her support and encouragement as she finished her EvCC degree and was admitted to the University of Washington. "MESA gave me a family on campus and more support than I could have ever imagined," she said. 

Faith Beltrán

Faith Beltran

When we asked Faith who helped her to succeed at EvCC, she answered, "I had so many professors and instructors who were just irreplaceable in my journey, I don’t think I can just pick one!" Her advice to new students is, "You are going to need to study a lot, but don’t let it consume you...make friends, join clubs, enjoy your time in college. It goes quick."

Jasmine Ojeda-Mota

EvCC graduate Jasmine Ojeda-Mota
As a first generation student, Jasmine Ojeda-Mota connected with EvCC's TRiO program to help her navigate the ins-and-outs of a college education. "TRiO answered all my questions as a first generation student" says Ojeda-Mota. "(They) helped me get connected in school activities and meet new friends as well as with going to the student leaders conference." After earning three Early Childhood Education certificates at EvCC, Jasmine plans on transferring to Western Washington University through the University Center.

Khade Muangkroot

Khade Muangkroot

Khade Muangkroot came all the way from Thailand to pursue his educational goals in Business and Communications at EvCC — and he's not stopping there. He'll transfer to UC San Diego to complete his Bachelor's degree with dreams to go on to an MBA. Khade's advice to international students is to "get out of your comfort zone and push yourself beyond your boundaries." He views EvCC as a place to "expand your vision, develop your personality, and acquire more connections."

Ruth Bas

Ruth Bas

Ruth Bas was able to finish her program in Nursing with the help of an EvCC Foundation scholarship and encouragement by her instructor, Gail McLean. "She believed in me more than I believed in myself," said Ruth. "In my last quarter, she really supported my dreams and consistently reminded me that I will be a great nurse one day."

Sheridan Moore

Sheridan Moore

Recipient of a 2019 Outstanding Graduate award, Sheridan Moore got her start at EvCC in the Running Start program, and graduated with her Associate degree in Global Studies. Next stop, Pacific Lutheran University — where she will complete her Bachelor's degree in Global Studies, while minoring in French and Statistics. Sheridan says the instructors had a big impact on her because, "they were both passionate about what they were teaching, and open to engaging with the students."  

Karenna Blomberg

EvCC graduate and honors student Karenna Blomberg
Attending EvCC is quickly becoming a tradition in Karenna Blomberg's family. "Getting closer to when I actually applied," says Blomberg, "I had two sisters who were also going to be enrolled at EvCC at the time; one is still working on her AAS, and the other just graduated from the nursing school. EvCC was highly regarded and (in more ways than one) close to home - so it was kind of a no-brainer!" A Running Start student, Blomberg finished her AAS degree and will be transferring to Gonzaga University this fall to major in Journalism.

Emily Hammer

EvCC student Emily Hammer.

Emily Hammer chose EvCC's Corporate & Continuing Education Center's human resources management program, taking classes that fit into her work schedule. She plans to use the knowledge she gained from her program for a future career in Human Resources. 

Anthony London

Anthony London is pursuing a bachelor's degree at the University of Washington and then plans to earn a master's and become a registered dietician. He credits EvCC nutrition instructor Laura Wild for developing his strong interest in nutrition and the EvCC Foundation scholarship for motivating him to do better. "There are so many instructors that I want to thank for helping me receive the education I needed for the future," he said. 

Bradley Althoff 

EvCC graduate Bradley Althoff.

Future elementary school teacher Bradley Althoff chose EvCC because its close to home. At the college, he became a student leader, including serving as the Student LIFE Diversity & Equity Coordinator. His advice to new students is to "identify what you enjoy and find a community of like-minded people on campus to create a positive support system on campus to help not just yourself, but others as well."

Cindi Howard

Cindi Howard

Cindi Howard overcame setbacks and obstacles to complete her program in early childhood education and graduate with high honors. Cindi received an Outstanding Graduate award and thanks the caring EvCC faculty and student support services who helped her reach her goals. "Every professor worked well with my disabilities (hearing aids and anxiety). I felt that the professors were very supportive of me academically and personally," she said.

Danielle Elliott

Danielle Elliott wants to be a high school counselor who helps students succeed academically and psychologically, like her counselors helped her. She started her college education at EvCC's East County Campus, which is close to her home near Monroe. "I love that EvCC offers a great education where students can take diverse classes while exploring their options," she said.

Melisa Suljic 

Melisa Suljic

Melisa Suljic was selected as one of three winners statewide of the Governor's Civic Leadership Award for 2019. Melisa, who lived in foster care as a child, served as president of the Everett Chapter of the Mockingbird Society, whose mission is to transform foster care and end youth homelessness. Their work has led to significant changes to the foster care system. Melisa also served as a Passport Navigator, assisting students currently in foster care and foster care alumni navigate the EvCC enrollment process.

Jacky Guzman

When Jacky Guzman became a student ambassador, she knew EvCC was the right fit. The first-generation college student said EvCC helped her get ahead with her education and save money, while providing many resources like tutoring and de-stress events. "Feel proud for considering a community college," she said. "EvCC has some of the best people here. People with big dreams."

Raymond Haug

Raymond Haug

The day he was released from prison, Raymond Haug walked from the bus station to EvCC to register for classes. He kept his past drug use, homelessness, and time behind bars a secret until he applied for an EvCC Foundation scholarship. He not only earned a scholarship, he was asked to speak about his life at the Foundation breakfast to raise money to benefit scholarships and college programs. Now a mechanical engineering student, Raymond has received invitations to join academic clubs, mentored students, and was hired to work as a student tutor. "I have found my place and my way out. I no longer hide my past, and I am no longer afraid of my future," he says.

Huy Ho

International student Huy Ho

International student Huy Ho came to the United States from Vietnam to learn how the U.S. became one of the fastest developing countries in the world. After receiving his Associate in Business degree from EvCC, Huy is transferring to Washington State University in Pullman to pursue a degree in Hospitality Management. “I’m thinking of pursuing my MBA degree after finishing my Bachelor” says Ho. “Then I will probably work for an airport under the business field or find myself going to work in the hotel and restaurant industry.”

Leon Fields

Leon Fields worked in a physically demanding job for over a decade before deciding to pursue a college degree. He realized a college education is important for success in today’s economy. He chose EvCC’s East County Campus in Monroe because the location is ideal and tuition is more affordable than a university. Leon recommends the campus because of the faculty and staff. “There is a really supportive community here,” he says.

Eric Hueckstedt

Eric Hueckstedt had been taking classes at EvCC to enhance his general skills when he decided to shift into a completely new career in HR Management. He credits EvCC’s Corporate & Continuing Education Center for providing him with the education that will now help him transition into a career in human resources. “Every single teacher was knowledgeable in all areas of human resources no matter which class they taught,” he says.

Stephanie Guzman

Stephanie Guzman says that graduating from EvCC and transferring to the University of Washington is a dream come true. She credits a large part of her academic success to the Running Start program, her instructors, and her participation in the EvCC Student Ambassador program.  

Marwa Alwattar

Marwa Alwattar

Marwa Alwattar was one of two EvCC students selected for the 2018 All-Washington Academic Team. At EvCC, she served as president of the Muslim Students' Association, was a member of the college's TRiO Student Support Services program, and a leader in EvCC's Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She plans to earn a master's degree and eventually start a nonprofit organization to help homeless and poor children around the world. 

Yihua Tan

EvCC graduate Yihua Tan with President David Beyer.

Yihua Tan, EvCC's 2017-18 ASB Vice President of Public Relations and Student Involvement and a Math and Science Division outstanding graduate, says his EvCC Foundation scholarship made "all the difference in the world" at a tough time for his family.

Ryan Cade

image of graduate Ryan Cade

Ryan Cade chose EvCC because he was able to complete two years of college while still in high school as a Running Start student.  He credits EvCC photography instructors for helping him graduate. “They pushed me to take my art to the next level and they inspired me when I felt certain I was going to give up.”

John Yeager

image of graduate John Yeager

As the editor-in-chief of EvCC's student media organization, The Clipper, John Yeager continued the college's eight-decade long tradition of student journalism. His reporting included coverage of athletics, college safety, student clubs and homelessness in Everett. John advises students to "have some pride in your school ... you'll get as much out of EvCC as you put into it."

Glory Tshokama

image of graduate Glory Tshokama

Glory Tshokama says EvCC is an amazing place to grow. With encouragement from his family, instructors, and staff, Glory studied photography and served as editor-in-chief of EvCC's Vibrations magazine. He encourages new students to be bold and try new things. 

Taavi Moore

image of graduate Taavi Moore

By the time Taavi Moore graduated from high school, she had added an impressive list of accomplishments to her diploma. She completed her associates degree, was named EvCC's Outstanding Graduate in nutrition, and was featured in two magazines for her cooking blog. Before starting her bachelor's degree, Taavi discussed her EvCC experience and shared one of her favorite recipes. 

Sherri Neidenberger

image of graduate Sherri Neidenberger
EvCC was "an unforgettable adventure" for Sherri Neidenberger. She earned her associate's degree in engineering technology, with the help of faculty members who pushed her to succeed, and plans to continue on to earn a bachelor's degree. Her final thoughts about EvCC: "I cannot say enough about how wonderful the people at this school are. Not only the teachers but all those that are working behind the scenes to make the experience a wonderful one."

Claudia Umana

image of graduate Claudia Umana

Claudia Umana chose EvCC because she felt welcomed and supported from the moment she stepped onto campus. She received academic support from the federally funded TRiO Student Support Services program and credits TRiO Advisor Linda Summers for believing in her and pushing her to never give up. "I felt very comfortable, and I was able to express myself without feeling judged," Claudia said. "College felt right knowing I had such an amazing support system." 

Frances Schuppenhauer

image of graduate Frances Shuppenhauer

Frances Schuppenhauer isn't just studying engineering. She's learning the real-world application of those concepts while also earning a precision machining certificate at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center (AMTEC). The combination is preparing her to someday work in prototyping - designing and creating products. "I couldn't even count the number of times I've heard a student ask: 'But what will we ever use this math for? What is the application for this formula?'" she said. "Now, I have a much greater understanding of exactly how they will be used, and why they are important."

Chris Garcia-Martinez

image of Chris Garcia-Martinez
After realizing he would need additional support to graduate high school, Chris Garcia-Martinez enrolled in EvCC's Youth Re-Engagement (U3) program. There, he found "all the support I could imagine," and continued on to EvCC's mechatronics program. He credits several EvCC employees for helping him succeed. "I can’t wait to come back a couple of years from now and show them what I’ve become and how their extra effort help paid off," Chris says.

Gio Jackson

image of graduate Gio Jackson
When Gio Jackson found out he’d been chosen as the Northwest Athletic Conference North Region MVP, he immediately thanked his teammates. The Everett Community College point guard also was named the 2018 NWAC male player of the year and EvCC’s male athlete of the year. “If I could be here (at EvCC) and play for all four years, I would,” Gio said. “Being here turned me into a better man, turned me into a better person, turned me into a better basketball player.”

Mani Fregoso

image of graduate Mani Fregoso
The youth Refugio "Mani" Fregoso works with at the Monroe/Sky Valley YMCA motivated him to go to college. "I feel like it wouldn’t have been as motivating for them if I didn’t set the example," Mani said. The Monroe High School graduate is working toward a bachelor's degree in psychology and a career in counseling helping youth succeed. He highly recommends EvCC's East County Campus, which is across the street from the Y. 

Jaxon Kronberger

image of graduate Jaxon Kronberger
Even though Jaxon Kronberger was earning college credits while in high school, a series of challenges including discrimination and homelessness led to missing her high school graduation. Defeated, she gave up on her college dream. Almost 20 years later, Jaxon was laid off and returned to EvCC, where she finished her high school diploma. “That completely changed my world,” she said. She kept going, pursuing her passion for technical, hands-on work at EvCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center, which led to a job at Boeing.

Katherinne Echeverri

image of International Student graduate Katherinne Echeverri
Katherinne Echeverri came to the United States from Costa Rica in 2016 to help a sick family member. She decided to stay and pursue an education. “I am currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Foreign Languages and a Certificate in Spanish Medical Interpreting” Katherinne said. “I chose EvCC due to its openness to International Students, its great reviews and because of how close it is where I live.” After she graduates this Spring, Katherinne hopes to find work as a medical interpreter.

Ka Ho Lai

image of International student graduate Ka Ho Lai
International student Ka Ho Lai came to the United States from Hong Kong to take advantage of the diverse educational opportunities offered here. “There are many reasons why I came to study in the U.S.” Ka Ho said, “but the main one is because the education system in Hong Kong was not suitable for me.” Ka Ho loves cars and he felt that pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering would afford him the chance to study and work on machines and engines. He chose EvCC, in part, because he heard there was a great support system here for students. It also allowed him to complete high school while earning his Associate’s degree. “Whenever I need help with class materials, I can find (his instructors) them easily, “Ka Ho said, “and they are always willing to help me, without hesitation, no matter how many questions I ask.”

Paul Swalwell

image of graduate Paul Swalwell
After years operating a machine at Boeing, Paul Swalwell decided to switch careers. He found EvCC's East County Campus was the perfect place to start his accounting degree - while continuing to work full-time. As a husband and father of two young children, Paul's advice to students like him is "Take it one step at a time. Maintain a proper work, school, and family balance." 

Jessica Steppe

image of graduate Jessica Steppe
Monroe High School junior Jessica Steppe is earning college credits for free at EvCC's East County Campus in Monroe. She's in the Running Start program, which provides tuition-free, college-level courses for high school juniors and seniors. Her credits count toward both her high school diploma and a college degree. 

Tinneal Abdulaziz

image of graduate Tinneal Abdulaziz
Boeing engineer Tinneal Abdulaziz got her start in EvCC's engineering program. Here, she became an inventor, project tester, and troubleshooter. She networked with dozens of employers through the Society of Women Engineers club. She learned from knowledgeable and supportive instructors. And she learned analytical and logistical skills that she uses daily in her career.

Laurie Yoakum

image of graduate Laurie Yoakum
Laurie Yoakum was able to start her associate degree at Everett Community College’s East County Campus in Monroe because the campus is close to home. By working part-time, she can attend school part-time. It’s not easy keeping up with work and school - or getting enough sleep - but she says the people at the East County Campus are really helpful, and that’s one reason she recommends the campus to her friends. 

Ian Hull

image of graduate Ian Hull
Ian Hull took all of the classes for his transfer degree at EvCC's East County Campus, which was close to home, saved money, and laid the foundation for his university level classes and his future career. He benefited from the small campus where he was close to his instructors. Now, he's working towards a bachelor's degree in accounting at Western Washington University. His advice for new students: "Live the college experience, go out, have fun, meet people, live in the now, and don’t forget to do your homework."

Alejandra Martínez

image of Estudiante de Cosmetologia graduate Alejandra Martinez
*This Student Spotlight is about EvCC's Spanish-language Cosmetology program and is entirely in Spanish.  
Alejandra Martínez dice que siempre le gustó el estudio. En su natal México logro estudiar música pero las limitaciones económicas hicieron que buscara oportunidades de trabajo en Estados Unidos. Tras años de luchar para estudiar finalmente logró entrar al programa de Cosmetología en español de EvCC. Alejandra dice estar agradecida por lo que el programa ofrece, “Escogí Everett Community College porque el programa es en español y pues es mi idioma. Y segundo lugar también lo escogí porque hay mucho apoyo.”

Ritter Kinsella

Photo of Ritter Kinsella
Ritter Kinsella's fascination with aerospace inspired him to take classes through EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training and Education Center.  After graduation and an internship at Boeing, Ritter was hired by Lockheed Martin to develop and implement new designs for spacecraft and satellites for the U.S. Navy and NASA. "I attribute my success to not only my hard work and dedication but also to my classes and to my instructors," he says. "It's because of all of this that I am successful."

Paulo Mendes

photo of International Student Paulo Mendes
Growing up in Brazil, International Student Paulo Mendes’ biggest dream was to play professional soccer. “But in Brazil,” Paulo says, “in order to do that you have to quit school, and my family did not want me to quit.” So, Paulo decided to pursue an education in the United States instead. He chose EvCC to pursue his AAS in Physical Therapy partly because of its location, but there was more to it than just that. “The atmosphere at Everett is just different,” he says. “All the interactions I had on my first day with both students and staff were just special. At Everett, people will care for you and respect you despite where you come from, how old are you, what you identify as or what religion you follow or not follow, and I wanted to be part of this.”

Dremond Stidwell

photo of Aviation Maintenance Technician student Dremond "Dre" Stidwell
After hearing about EvCC’s Aviation Maintenance Technician program, Dremond “Dre” Stidwell moved all the way from Atlanta, GA to attend. “I chose Everett Community College because it's a great atmosphere, great learning environment for number one, and they had availabilities for the classes,” Dre says. “I tried a couple of different programs in the south but they were backed up for a year, maybe two years, so I heard about the program out here, I ended up moving out here for the program and it opened up doors for me.” When he completes his A&P license (Airframe & Powerplant Test Prep Program) Dre plans to work in the commercial industry for a while. “These skills will help me reach my professional goals in terms that I'll always have work,” he says. “The industry is steadily growing and also it will help me grow my business in the future.”

Sreynet Long

photo of ESL BRIDGES Center and TRiO Student Sreynet Long
Sreynet Long’s long journey from Cambodia didn’t end when she arrived in the United States. In fact, it was only just beginning. “My English proficiency was very poor when I first moved to the U.S.” says Sreynet, “so I made a decision to enroll in ESL classes (at EvCC).” And she didn’t stop there. Sreynet worked her way through the ESL program and took advantage of help offered through EvCC’s BRIDGES Center and the TRiO Student Support Services to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. That hard work has paid off. “I will start the nursing program at EvCC in fall (quarter) 2017,” she said. “With the ESL and the academic and emotional support from the BRIDGES and TRiO programs, I was able to propel myself into the nursing program. They have helped me find a career path, and they believe in me.”

Aiman Azhan

photo of Aiman Azhan
Malaysian student Aiman Azhan chose Everett Community College for its location and small classes. His two years were a wonderful experience - in fact, attending EvCC was the best decision he's made, Aiman said. Outside the classroom, his coworkers in EvCC's Business and Applied Technology Division became like family. He even graduated alongside his supervisor. Aiman is now pursuing his bachelor's degree in finance at Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business. "Believe me, college is way more fun than what you think," he said.

Jeremy Allen

Photo of Jeremy Allen
Jeremy Allen learned about the manufacturing process from start to finish at EvCC's Advanced Manufacturing Training & Education Center (AMTEC), which serves more than 200 manufacturing industry employers in Snohomish County. "I chose EvCC not only because of the high reviews online and the close proximity to my place of residence, but also because the faculty had industry experience in the field that I chose to study," he said.

Kyla Ruse

Photo of Kyla Ruse
Kyla Ruse was the first in her family to attend college. At Everett Community College, TRiO adviser Linda Summers and the TRiO program made being a first-generation college student less scary and more rewarding. She hopes to one day earn a master's of science degree in nutrition, inspired by nutrition instructor Karen Gabrielsen. Today, Kyla is proud of her choices. "Going to a community college does not mean you aren't smart enough for a university," she says. "Many, many people, including myself, turned down university acceptance to attend EvCC. You save money and get a truly amazing education."

Jasmin Chigbrow

photo of Jasmine Chigbrow
Jasmin Chigbrow didn't think she'd graduate from high school, let alone college. When she dropped out, she had a 1.5 GPA. At EvCC, she earned her high school diploma through the college's Youth Re-Engagement (U3) program and her associate degree with a 4.0. After finishing her bachelor's degree at Western Washington University, where she was a graduation speaker in March 2017, she's headed to law school. Find out how U3 helped Jasmin discover her passion for learning.

Rilee Louangphakdy

Photo of Rilee Louangphakdy
An aspiring motivational speaker and entrepreneur, Rilee Louangphakdy never dreamed he would accomplish one of his dreams – to speak at a TED Talk – while still in college. Rilee was accepted to several universities but chose to attend Everett Community College first so he could "save an insane amount of money" and get a great education close to family. Sharing his story of overcoming depression after the loss of a beloved family member, he has spoken at YMCA and TEDx events. Rilee encourages students to expand their circles by meeting new people. That's how he connected with four EvCC instructors who have mentored him. 

Sean Nichols

photo of EvCC AMTEC student Sean Nichols
After 20 years working as an electrician, an on-the-job shoulder injury made it necessary for Sean Nichols to seek a new line of work. He turned to AMTEC at EvCC for retraining. "I went into Precision Machining because it actually interested me," says Sean, "and then, after I was in the program for a while, they started the Mechatronics program." Sean, who recently graduated with an ATA in Advanced Manufacturing and will graduate with an ATA in Mechatronics this Spring,  was offered and accepted a job at Advantage Manufacturing Technologies in Monroe as an Industrial Machine Maintenance Technician. Out of his interviews at five or six different companies, AMT was his top choice for companies.

Athena Harper

Photo of Athena Harper
Monroe resident Athena Harper took all the classes she needed for her university transfer degree at the East County Campus - without leaving her hometown. Not only were her classes five minutes from home, she also benefitted from the encouraging, helpful and personable faculty and staff members who helped her succeed. She's on her way to finish her bachelor's degree at Western Washington University. "My advice would be to not be afraid to reach out to teachers/staff for help because they really are there to help you succeed, and genuinely care about their students!" Athena says. "I have experienced it for myself firsthand."

Hilda Pacheco

image of EvCC student Hilda Pacheco
Everett Community College student Hilda Pacheco says that she’s always had a love for math and science but it wasn’t until she was introduced to EvCC’s STEM Bridge program that she truly envisioned becoming an engineer.  While in high school she joined STEM and earned college credit and now Pacheco says that the program had an additional purpose for her, "It helped me realize that as a Hispanic woman, I could become an engineer.”  She’s currently working on completing her associate degree and plans to transfer to a four-year university.   

Richelle Pidong

photo of EvCC student Richelle Pidong
Hailing from the Big Island of Hawaii, Richelle Pidong is often asked what compelled her to come to Everett, Washington. “I get a lot of ‘why did you leave paradise to come here?’” says Richelle. “It’s always been one of my goals to attend school on the mainland and to become more independent. Moving here alone and attending EvCC has allowed me to do that.” A Resident Assistant at EvCC’s Mountain View Hall, Richelle is pursuing her Associate Degree in Human Services. “My aspiration in life is to help people and make a difference. There isn’t a better degree fit to achieve that goal.”

Bhumika Harpal

image of International student graduate Bhumika Harpal
After moving to the United States from India in 2008, Bhumika Harpal wanted to pursue a quality education. "After doing a comparative analysis among a few local colleges," says Bhumika, "I decided to join EvCC based on transfer class credits, professor profiles, the beautiful campus and the tuition and fees structure." Bhumika is studying nursing and hopes to work full-time in a hospital environment after graduating from EvCC. "I think my main source of inspiration to become a nurse comes from an innate desire to help people and care for them in times of need.

Shane Johnson

Photo of Shane Johnson
After serving in the U.S. Air Force, Shane Johnson wanted to get a job, earn a college degree and live close to his family. He was happy to discover he could do all three in east Snohomish County at EvCC's East County Campus. Shane, now the owner and general manager at Thrive Community Fitness in Monroe, said the classes he has taken toward a degree in business administration are a big part of the reason he was promoted. Now he's giving back to his community, organizing an event at Thrive that helped more than 65 people experiencing homelessness in Monroe. His advice for students: "Work as hard as humanly possible. If you want something bad enough put in the work, real work."

Elizabeth Ratzlaff

Photo of Elizabeth Ratzlaff
Positive reviews from her friends sent Elizabeth Ratzlaff to Everett Community College, where she found an impressive campus and helpful staff. She wanted to pursue an Early Childhood Education degree and knew that EvCC has a great program. Upon graduating in 2016, she had this advice for students: "Enjoy this time in your life and get to know the people around you. You never know how you may impact them, or how they might just impact you." She started her career as an assistant teacher at EvCC's Early Learning Center

Alyssa Jackson

photo of Alyssa Jackson, EvCC East County Campus graduate
Alyssa Jackson decided to attend EvCC's East Couny Campus for three simple reasons: "Location, location, location!" says Jackson. "In addition to the convenient location, East County Campus offered all the classes I needed to complete the one-year certificate as well as the Associate in Technical Arts degree in Business Administration." Armed with her ATA in Business Administration, Jackson will next be pursuing her Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Information Technology and Administrative Management (ITAM) online through Central Washington University. "Completing my ATA in Business Administration at EvCC set me up for continued success for CWU’s online ITAM program. So even though I’ve graduated from EvCC, I will continue to be a part of this excellent college by way of their University Center. "

Ho Tin Li

photo of International Student Ho Tin Li
Like his sister before him, Ho Tin Li dreamed of coming to the U.S. to study abroad. He chose EvCC not only because it was highly recommended to him by his agency, but because of its desirable location and the fact that he could finish his high school diploma while studying Aerospace Engineering at the college level. Now he’s taking what he’s learned at EvCC to the University of California in Los Angeles where he’ll pursue his Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering. “I took so many classes and I really admire the instructors who had taught me” says Ho Tin. “All the teachers I met are undoubtedly intelligent and passionate about teaching. Not only did they teach me new things, but they had also showed me the right ways to study.

Alfredo Diaz-Rodriguez

photo of Alfredo Diaz-Rodriguez receiving his diploma from Dr. Davis Beyer
As a recent EvCC graduate with an Associate Degree in Physical Education, Alfredo Diaz-Rodriguez plans on gaining work experience before continuing his education at a four-year school. An active member of M.E.C.H.A (Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan), Alfredo credits the strong connections he made through his involvement with campus clubs and his ties to EvCC's Diversity & Equity Center. "My family at the Diversity & Equity Center helped me to grow into the person I am today" he says. "They helped me to open up more and to discover what I truly wanted ;to do in my life and what I care for." He also knows he couldn't have done it without the support of his family. "My family encouraged and supported me to finish EvCC and to finish my education no matter what. Whether I go far or stay close, they'll be happy for what I'm doing, and I know I have their support."
Lea la historia de Alfredo en español.

Samantha Chapman

photo of Samantha Chapman receiving her degree from Dr. David Beyer
After seeing her name in the pages of a newspaper early in her college career, Samantha Chapman knew she had caught the journalism bug. “I was a published writer within my second quarter of college”, says Chapman, “and that’s more than I had expected." Samantha worked her way up from staff reporter to eventually Editor-in-Chief of EvCC’s award-winning newspaper, The Clipper. Now she’s taking her talents to Washington State University North Puget Sound, where she’ll study Integrated Strategic Communications, right here on the Everett Community College campus. “Community College should not be taken for granted” she says. “If you want to be really good at something, EvCC has the tools and knowledge to get you there.”    

Kweli Vuur

photo of Venise Williams
Kweli Vuur calls EvCC's Diversity & Equity Center's staff her "family away from home." The medical coding grad says the support she found there helped her continue her education. "It was because I surrounded myself with people who wanted me to succeed that I was able to graduate with honors," she says. Kweli became actively involved on campus, joining student clubs like the Black Student Union and becoming a regular in the Diversity and Equity Center. "The staff there are the best," says Kweli. "They even took time out of the busy schedule to offer words of wisdom to my son, my brother and myself. They were my family away from home."

Anthony J. Ansay

photo of Anthony Ansay
After immigrating to the United States, Anthony Ansay wanted to find a small community of students that would help him adapt to his new environment. He found that at EvCC. Now he's finished his Business DTA at EvCC, Anthony plans to move to Bellingham and complete his business degree at Western Washington University. He believes that by being involved in the community at EvCC through Student LIFE and other campus activities, he grew not only as a student, but as a person as well. "It was when I took a chance and submitted a student leader job application and got involved that I was able to meet new people and grow as a person" he says.

Hannah Jean Pennock

photo of Hannah Jean Pennock
Recent graduate and U.S. Army Veteran Hannah Pennock chose EvCC because she "heard nothing but great things" about the college. It also didn't hurt that it was so close to home. "I love how beautiful the campus is," says Hannah. "I've always wanted to thank the landscapers for maintaining the school grounds and keeping it so beautiful." Now that she's earned her Direct Transfer Degree from EvCC, Hannah plans on pursuing her bachelor's degree in Human Services from Western Washington University right here on campus at University Center.

Eduardo Mendoza

Photo of Eduardo Mendoza
Everett Community College student Eduardo Mendoza is living proof that, with the right mindset, nothing in life is impossible. Originally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Eddy has a condition that doctors can’t quite put their finger on. “They told me ‘we know where your problem is but we don’t know what kind of condition you have’” he said. “They wanted to call it the Eduardo Mendoza Disease, but I was like ‘uh-uh, uh-uh, no.’” Eddy started attending classes at EvCC to earn his Associate Degree and hopes to transfer to Central Washington University to pursue a degree in education. He hopes his story will inspire others who face adversity to never give up. “Everett Community College is like a community” says Eddy. “You gotta go out there and try it for yourself. You never know what the outcome will be.”

Jaime Osuna Cardenas

photo of International student and athlete Jaime Osuna Cardenas
Jaime Osuna Cardenas travelled from Sinaloa, Mexico to earn a degree and play baseball at Everett Community College. He chose EvCC "not just for the academic business options and diversity it offers, but also their athletics opportunities and atmosphere, as well as their beautiful campus," he said. His teammates and coaches helped him practice his second language and adapt to the culture. "The baseball team has become like a family to me," he said. Jaime will soon earn his associates degree in business and plans to transfer to a four-year school. 
Lea la historia de Jaime en español.

Kien Bui

image of International student Kien Bui from Vietnam
As a young boy growing up in Vietnam, Kien Bui dreamed of coming to the United States to pursue a his education. “I chose Everett Community College”, says Kien, “because the instructors and staff are extremely friendly and are experts in their field. Also, the class size is pretty small, which benefits International students by giving them more chances to actively interact and communicate with instructors.” Kien’s dream is quickly becoming reality as he’s not only earned his Associate Degree in Business Administration from EvCC, but has recently been accepted to the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington, one of the top business schools in the country. “The fortune to partake in the business program at EvCC has been a life-changing experience for me” Kien says. “Everett Community College is like a second family to me.”
Read Kien's story in Vietnamese

Felix Prabowo

image of International student Felix Prabowo
International student Felix Prabowo came to the United States from Indonesia with the same hopes and dreams shared by many who come to this country; to pursue a quality education that will lead to a promising future. Prabowo, an International Student Ambassador and PROPELS Mentor, is pursuing an Associate in Business degree and hopes to continue his education by transferring to a four-year institution. “I think EvCC is a great place for me to start my academic career” says Felix. “To save some costs associated with studying overseas, I chose to start my undergraduate career by doing a two-year associate transfer degree (at EvCC).”

David Swale

image of EvCC nursing student David Swale
Everett Community College nursing student David Swale chose EvCC for two reasons: location and reputation. Working as an EMT (emergency medical technician)​ for nine years, David had the opportunity to talk with many professional nurses in the area. "Just asking the nurses at different hospitals about what programs they would recommend," he says, "I actually had a few of them say 'Everett Community College is a great program, their nurses are very prepared and they're ready to hit the ground running on day one.'" After finishing the program, David plans to continue his education right here on campus, through the​ ​University of Washington-Bothell​'s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Everett University Center. "It's great" David says, "because the way they have it scheduled out, it's an eight-hour class, one day a week, and so you get to still be a nurse while going to school."

Monica Fonseca

photo of EvCC student Monica Fonseca
After arriving in the United States from Honduras in 2014, Monica Fonseca set her sights on pursuing a higher education. She chose EvCC because she “really liked the atmosphere of the college” and felt the variety of classes offered fit well with her educational and professional goals. Highly involved with campus activities, Monica is a student leader with Student LIFE, acts as a student ambassador and is serving as Vice President of the new Latino Student Union. A talented artist, Monica plans to transfer to a university with a strong Industrial Design program after completing her Associate in Arts and Sciences - DTA degree at EvCC.
Vea la historia de Mónica en español

Geoffrey Lewis

photo of geoffory lewis
U.S. Navy veteran Geoffrey Lewis found support and guidance at EvCC's Veterans Resource Center, saying staff there helped him with forms and guidance throughout his time at EvCC. "They reminded me of my days back in the fleet when one person would have a problem or a question and there was always a person or two who could provide some sort of advice," he said. 

Daniel Parrish

photo of dan parrish
After graduating high school in 2010, Daniel Parrish selected EvCC for its well-established engineering department and flexible schedule. Four years later, he was accepted to the University of Washington, where he joined with two partners to create a start-up company, JikoPower. The team recently won over $22,000 from two competitions for the creation of a revolutionary portable thermoelectric generator, a technology that promises to transform communities in developing nations. “Without a doubt, EvCC made me who I am today,” says Daniel.

Demri M. Lewis

photo of AMTEC student Demri Lewis
Demri Lewis' interest in manufacturing started early. As a kid, she enjoyed visiting her grandfather's machine shop. “He would show me what was what and what these cool, big machines were and so what I learned from him is manufacturing is building something useful out of something that isn’t necessarily useful, and I really like that.” Demri, an advanced manufacturing student, says that the skills she has learned and the help she has received from her instructors at EvCC have set her up for a successful career in manufacturing. “If you want to go into the manufacturing field," says Demri, "this is a great place to start. They teach you everything you need to know.”

Cecilia Arevalo-Arroyo

photo of cecilia arevalo arroyo
Cecilia Arevalo-Arroyo chose Everett Community College because EvCC is affordable, close to home, and has a criminal justice program. The future police detective says she got a "well-rounded education" at EvCC. "All my professors really helped me recognize my potential," she said. The 2015 grad enjoyed student life at EvCC too. "I also thank EvCC for welcoming me into such a nice community where students are allowed to speak their mind and make changes."

Azrael Howell

photo of azrael howell
When asked who has helped him succeed at Everett Community College, 2015-16 Associated Student Body President Azrael Howell names more than 20 people. This diverse list shows his connections across the entire college, the result of his commitment to helping people through student leadership. One of the things he tells new students in the mentorship program he started is to get involved. “In order to succeed you have to get involved,” he says. “It gives you the ability to network with people in order to find resources to help you succeed. One of the greatest things that I learned from attending this college is that your voice matters at EvCC.”

Raquel Viviana Diaz-Rodriguez

photo of raquel diaz
Raquel Diaz-Rodriguez earned college credit while she was still in high school through Everett Community College’s Running Start program. She graduated with her high school diploma and Associate in Arts & Science degree at the same time, tuition free. Her advice to new students: "If you ever feel lost or are unsure about something, don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are several resources on campus and staff who are more than happy to help you and answer your questions."
Lea la historia de Raquel en español.

Amber Lindamood

photo of amber lindamood
Everett Community College graduate Amber Lindamood knows the statistic: Only 20 percent of kids who grew up in foster care go to college. She succeeded at EvCC with support from faculty who “made me feel like we were on a team together.” At EvCC, the average class has 26 students, and faculty care about their students’ futures. Amber graduated from EvCC’s Honors program and will transfer to Western Washington University to earn a degree in human services. “EvCC got me ready for the next step,” she said.